@article{fdi:010084504, title = {{A}n 82 bp tandem repeat family typical of 3 ' non-coding end of {G}ypsy/{TAT} {LTR} retrotransposons is conserved in {C}offea spp. pericentromeres}, author = {{C}intra, {L}. {A}. and de {S}ouza, {T}. {B}. and {P}arteka, {L}. {M}. and {B}arreto, {L}. {M}. and {P}ereira, {L}. {F}. {P}. and {G}aeta, {M}. {L}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {V}anzela, {A}. {L}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}offea spp. chromosomes are very small and accumulate a variety of repetitive {DNA} families around the centromeres. {H}owever, the proximal regions of {C}offea chromosomes remain poorly understood, especially regarding the nature and organisation of the sequences. {T}aking advantage of the genome sequences of {C}. arabica (2n = 44), {C}. canephora, and {C}. eugenioides ({C}. arabica progenitors with 2n = 22) and good coverage genome sequencing of dozens of other wild {C}offea spp., repetitive {DNA} sequences were identified, and the genomes were compared to decipher particularities of pericentromeric structures. {T}he searches revealed a short tandem repeat (82 bp length) typical of {G}ypsy/{TAT} {LTR} retrotransposons, named {C}offea_sat11. {T}his repeat organises dusters with fragments of other transposable elements, comprising regions of non-coding {RNA} production. {C}ytogenomic analyses showed that {C}offea_sat11 extends from the pericentromeres towards the middle of the chromosomal arms. {T}his arrangement was observed in the allotetraploid {C}. arabica chromosomes, as well as in its progenitors. {T}his study improves our understanding of the role of the {G}ypsy/{TAT} {LTR} retrotransposon lineage in the organisation of {C}offea pericentromeres, as well as the conservation of {C}offea_sat11 within the genus. {T}he relationships between fragments of other transposable elements and the functional aspects of these sequences on the pericentromere chromatin were also evaluated. {H}ighlights: {A} scattered short tandem repeat, typical of {G}ypsy/{TAT} {LTR} retrotransposons, associated with several fragments of other transposable elements, accumulates in the pericentromeres of {C}offea chromosomes. {T}his arrangement is preserved in all clades of the genus and appears to have a strong regulatory role in the organisation of chromatin around centromeres.}, keywords = {centromeric retrotransposons ; chromocentres ; {C}offea genomes ; {FISH} ; {G}ypsy ; {LTR} retrotransposons}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome}, volume = {65}, numero = {3}, pages = {137--151}, ISSN = {0831-2796}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1139/gen-2021-0045}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084504}, }