@incollection{fdi:010084466, title = {{U}rbanization and the dynamics of change in the {S}ahel}, author = {{B}oyer, {F}lorence and {L}essault, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince independence, {S}ahelian cities have been experiencing continuous and increasingly strong population growth, linked to migration and to an unfinished demographic transition. {I}n contexts of rapid urbanization, facilities, infrastructure, and services (school, health, sanitation, etc.) are deficient, and a transfer of poverty from rural areas to cities takes place. {S}ahelian cities are also marked by the youthfulness of their populations, and an important area for research are the questions of what the city does to youth, and what youth does to the city. {K}nowledge of {S}ahelian cities remains fragmented. {I}f the dynamics and challenges of capitals such as {D}akar, {O}uagadougou, or {B}amako are fairly well known, those of {N}'{D}jamena, {N}iamey, or {N}ouakchott are less so. {T}here are few studies of small and medium-sized cities, and these are in need of updating in the contemporary context of decentralization. {T}his chapter surveys the state of knowledge of urbanization in the {S}ahel, and suggests directions for future research.}, keywords = {{SAHEL} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {OUAGADOUGOU} ; {SENEGAL} ; {DAKAR} ; {TOUBA} ; {NIGER} ; {NIAMEY} ; {MALI} ; {BAMAKO} ; {MAURITANIE} ; {NOUAKCHOTT} ; {TCHAD} ; {KOUDOUGOU} ; {N}'{DJAMENA}}, booktitle = {{T}he {O}xford handbook of the {A}frican {S}ahel}, numero = {}, pages = {709--727}, address = {{O}xford}, publisher = {{O}xford {U}niversity {P}ress}, series = {}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198816959.013.41}, ISBN = {978-0-19-881695-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084466}, }