@incollection{fdi:010084442, title = {{B}iofunctool({R}), a multifunctional approach of soil health related to soil biota activities}, author = {{B}rauman, {A}lain and {S}imon, {C}. and {P}anklang, {P}. and {K}ouakou, {A}. and {P}eerawat, {M}. and {P}erron, {T}. and {S}uvannang, {N}. and {K}olo, {Y}. and {K}onate, {S}. and {L}efevre, {C}. and {T}houmazeau, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n a context of global soil biodiversity loss, we need to find effective way to measure the functions supported by biodiversity. {T}his constitutes the main challenge of soil health assessments, particularly in the agroecological transition context. {T}he most shared definition of soil health is based on the ability of soil to function ({K}arlen et al., 1997) and to provide ecosystem services. {H}owever, most methods focus on stock measurements rather than functions. {A}lso, measurements are usually performed in the laboratory, reflecting the potential level of soil functions rather than true field performance. {T}o overcome these methodological limitations, a new framework is proposed to assess soil health based on functional methods that considers the links between abiotic and biotic soil compartments. {T}his method, called {B}iofunctool ({R}), incorporates nine rapid, cost-effective, and in-field indicators to evaluate three main soil functions: {C} transformation, nutrient cycling, structure maintenance. {T}he capacity of the set of indicators to assess the impact of land management on soil health will be illustrated in various agroecological contexts in the tropics. {B}iofunctool({R}) allows to better understand the impacts of agricultural practices on soil functions driven by soil biodiversity and could be in the future included in environmental analyses.}, keywords = {{THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {{K}eep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity : proceedings : global symposium on soil biodiversity, 19-22 april 2021}, numero = {}, pages = {224--231}, address = {{R}ome}, publisher = {{FAO}}, series = {}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.4060/cb7374en}, ISBN = {978-92-5-135218-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084442}, }