@article{fdi:010084436, title = {{M}aking rainfed crops adapted to potential climate change impacts : modeling sustainable options}, author = {{B}rouziyine, {Y}. and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani and {A}bouabdillah, {A}. and {H}allam, {J}. and {M}oudden, {F}. and {E}l {B}ilali, {A}. and {B}enaabidate, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ainfed agriculture is becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change. {T}his situation is expected to worsen under most future climate projections, which might increase the risks linked to food security and economies which depend on it. {P}roviding insights about the potential responses of rainfed crops to climate change will helps on designing future adaptation strategies. {I}n this study, large amount of data and the agro-hydrological model {SWAT} have been used to investigate future climate change impacts on rainfed wheat and sunflower crops in a semiarid watershed in {M}orocco ({R}'dom watershed). {D}ownscaled {CORDEX} climate projections were used in generating future plants growth simulation for {R}'dom watershed in the 2031 to 2050 horizon under two {R}epresentative {C}oncentration {P}athways ({RCP}s): 4.5 and 8.5. {T}he main results of climate change scenarios highlighted that {R}'dom watershed will undergo significant decrease in water resources availability with more impact under the scenario {RCP} 8.5. {W}ater productivities of both studied crops could be lower by up to -21% in comparison with baseline situation. {D}ifferent sustainable management strategies have been simulated using {SWAT} model under climate change context. {T}he adopted approach succeeded in building up sustainable management strategies toward secured food security in the future.}, keywords = {{MAROC} ; {ZONE} {ARIDE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE} ; {R}'{DOM} {BASSIN} {VERSANT} ; {SAISS} {PLAINE} ; {GHARB} {PLAINE} ; {SEBOU} {BASSIN} {VERSANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}3{S} {W}eb of {C}onferences}, volume = {183}, numero = {}, pages = {03002 [8 ]}, ISSN = {2267-1242}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1051/e3sconf/202018303002 }, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084436}, }