@article{fdi:010084377, title = {{O}ptimizing {TRISHNA} {TIR} channels configuration for improved land surface temperature and emissivity measurements}, author = {{V}idal, {T}. {H}. {G}. and {G}amet, {P}. and {O}lioso, {A}. and {J}acob, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n preparation of the {T}hermal infra{R}ed {I}maging {S}atellite for {H}igh-resolution {N}atural resource {A}ssessment ({TRISHNA}) mission, we conducted a thorough analysis of sensitivity for the {T}emperature-{E}missivity {S}eparation ({TES}) method to the position of the four {TRISHNA} spectral channels, notably to find an optimal spectral configuration. {T}o that purpose, we designed a fast-computing end-to-end simulator including several components, which we implemented to simulate both pixel-size {TRISHNA} measurements and land surface temperature ({LST}) retrievals. {F}irstly, simulations were conducted over a wide range of realistic scenarii, notably by including vegetation canopy-scale cavity effect. {S}econdly, the experimental design included the features of second generation {M}ercury-{C}admium-{T}elluride ({MCT}) cooled detectors with lower instrumental noises and finer channels. {T}hirdly, as opposed to previous studies that used predefined spectral configurations to determine the most suited one, we conducted an optimization of the spectral configuration by crossing, on a pair basis, several positions of the four {TIR} channels over a range of wavelengths. {F}ourthly, we quantified the {TES} sensitivity to atmospheric perturbations, by comparing {LST} retrievals with and without atmospheric noise. {W}e observed an overall moderate sensitivity of {TES} {LST} retrievals to the spectral channel positions, with a maximum {RMSE} variation of 0.31 {K} within the atmospheric spectral windows. {F}urthermore, the {TES} method was sensitive to three main parameters, namely the instrumental noise, the atmospheric downwelling irradiance, and the transmittance due to ozone and water vapor, with {RMSE}s larger than 1 {K} for specific channel locations. {M}oreover, by considering possible superimposition of two channels, we noted that the {TES} method could achieve similar performance by considering three or four channels. {E}ventually, our study enabled us to recommend a new spectral configuration for the {TRISHNA} {TIR} instrument, that is more robust to atmospheric perturbations and to uncertainties on channel positions and bandwidths.}, keywords = {{T}hermal infrared remote sensing ; {S}atellite mission design ; {S}pectral channels positioning ; {T}emperature / emissivity separation ; {V}egetation canopy ; scaled cavity effects ; {M}ercury ; cadmium ; telluride cooled detectors ; {A}tmospheric corrections ; {S}ensitivity analysis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing of {E}nvironment}, volume = {272}, numero = {}, pages = {112939 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2022.112939}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084377}, }