@article{fdi:010084339, title = {{H}ow 75 years of rubber monocropping affects soil fauna and nematodes as the bioindicators for soil biodiversity quality index}, author = {{P}anklang, {P}. and {T}haler, {P}. and {T}houmazeau, {A}. and {C}hiarawipa, {R}. and {S}doodee, {S}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}atural rubber consumption has led to the expansion of rubber ({H}evea brasiliensis) plantations which affects the deforestation and ecosystem. {H}owever, no study of the long-term effect of rubber plantations on soil biodiversity has been carried out yet. {T}his study aimed to assess the long-term impact of continuous rubber monocropping on soil biodiversity, focusing on soil macrofauna and nematode diversity. {T}hree successive rubber rotations at young and old ages were compared with the adjacent forest in {S}uratthani province, {T}hailand. {S}oil biodiversity quality index was calculated from a set of indicators which were combined into a single score to present a functional assessment of the gradient of disturbance. {T}he results showed three negative effects on soil biodiversity (i) the biodiversity quality index immediately declined after deforestation (ii) the old age rubber plantations had a lower soil biodiversity as the nematodes were a main driver of diversity in the young plantation, and (iii) similarly, for the soil chemical properties, the long-term effect of rubber chronosequence evidenced deterioration in the third rotation. {T}herefore, two rotations of rubber plantation (around 50 years) seemed to be the maximum length of rubber monocropping in terms of soil biodiversity recovery.}, keywords = {{R}ubber ({H}evea brasiliensis) ; monocropping ; soil biodiversity ; macrofauna ; nematode ; {THAILANDE} ; {SURATTHANI} {PROVINCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}cta {A}griculturae {S}candinavica {S}ection {B} - {S}oil and {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {72}, numero = {1}, pages = {612--622}, ISSN = {0906-4710}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1080/09064710.2022.2034930}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084339}, }