@article{fdi:010084332, title = {{F}irst evidence of natural {SARS}-{C}o{V}-2 infection in domestic rabbits}, author = {{F}ritz, {M}atthieu and {R}iols de {F}onclare, {D}. de and {G}arcia, {D}{\'e}borah and {B}eurlet, {S}. and {B}ecquart, {P}ierre and {R}osolen, {S}. {G}. and {B}riend-{M}archal, {A}. and {L}eroy, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e tested 144 pet rabbits sampled in {F}rance between {N}ovember 2020 and {J}une 2021 for antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ({SARS}-{C}o{V}-2) by microsphere immunoassay. {W}e reported the first evidence of a natural {SARS}-{C}o{V}-2 infection in rabbits with a low observed seroprevalence between 0.7% and 1.4%.}, keywords = {{SARS}-{C}o{V}-2 ; {COVID}-19 ; rabbits ; pet rabbit ; {F}rance ; {L}uminex ; serology ; microsphere immunoassay ; one health ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}eterinary {S}ciences}, volume = {9}, numero = {2}, pages = {49 [4 p.]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/vetsci9020049}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084332}, }