@article{fdi:010084225, title = {{F}ine-scale spatiotemporal mapping of asymptomatic and clinical {P}lasmodium falciparum infections : epidemiological evidence for targeted malaria elimination interventions [+ correction 2022, ciac146]}, author = {{N}iang, {M}. and {S}andfort, {M}. and {M}bodj, {A}. {F}. and {D}iouf, {B}. and {T}alla, {C}. and {F}aye, {J}. and {S}ane, {R}. and {T}hiam, {L}. {G}. and {T}hiam, {A}. and {B}adiane, {A}. and {V}igan-{W}omas, {I}. and {D}iagne, {N}. and {S}arr, {F}. {D}. and {M}ueller, {I}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {W}hite, {M}. and {T}oure-{B}alde, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground. {A} detailed understanding of the contribution of the asymptomatic {P}lasmodium reservoir to the occurrence of clinical malaria at individual and community levels is needed to guide effective elimination interventions. {T}his study investigated the relationship between asymptomatic {P}lasmodium falciparum carriage and subsequent clinical malaria episodes in the {D}ielmo and {N}diop villages in {S}enegal. {M}ethods. {T}he study used a total of 2792 venous and capillary blood samples obtained from asymptomatic individuals and clinical malaria datasets collected from 2013 to 2016. {M}apping, spatial clustering of infections, and risk analysis were performed using georeferenced households. {R}esults. {H}igh incidences of clinical malaria episodes were observed to occur predominantly in households of asymptomatic {P} falciparum carriers. {A} statistically significant association was found between asymptomatic carriage in a household and subsequent episode of clinical malaria occurring in that household for each individual year ({P} values were 0.0017, 6 x 10(-5), 0.005, and 0.008 for the years 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 respectively) and the combined years ({P} = 8.5 x 10(-8)), which was not found at the individual level. {I}n both villages, no significant patterns of spatial clustering of {P} falciparum clinical cases were found, but there was a higher risk of clinical episodes <25 m from asymptomatic individuals in {N}diop attributable to clustering within households. {C}onclusion. {T}he findings provide strong epidemiological evidence linking the asymptomatic {P} falciparum reservoir to clinical malaria episodes at household scale in {D}ielmo and {N}diop villagers. {T}his argues for a likely success of a mass testing and treatment intervention to move towards the elimination of malaria in the villages of {D}ielmo and {N}diop.}, keywords = {malaria ; asymptomatic ; clinical malaria ; clustering ; interventions ; {SENEGAL} ; {DIELMO} ; {NDIOP}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {73}, numero = {12}, pages = {2175--2183 [+ correction 2022, ciac146 : 1 p.]}, ISSN = {1058-4838}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1093/cid/ciab161}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084225}, }