@article{fdi:010084218, title = {{P}lastic in the inferno : microplastic contamination in deep-sea cephalopods ({V}ampyroteuthis infernalis and {A}bralia veranyi) from the southwestern {A}tlantic}, author = {{F}erreira, {G}. {V}. {B}. and {J}ustino, {A}. {K}. {S}. and {E}duardo, {L}. {N}. and {L}enoble, {V}. and {F}auvelle, {V}incent and {S}chmidt, {N}. and {V}aske, {T}. and {F}redou, {T}. and {L}ucena-{F}redou, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}icroplastics are a relevant environmental concern in marine ecosystems due to their ubiquity. {H}owever, knowledge on their dispersion patterns within the ocean basin and the interaction with biota are scarce and mostly limited to surface waters. {T}his study investigated microplastic contamination in two species of deep-sea cephalopods from the southwestern {A}tlantic with different ecological behaviour: the vampire squid ({V}ampyroteuthis infernalis) and the midwater squid ({A}bralia veranyi). {M}icroplastic contaminated most of the evaluated specimens. {V}. infernalis showed higher levels of contamination (9.58 +/- 8.25 particles individual(-1); p < 0.05) than {A}. veranyi (2.37 +/- 2.13 part. incl.(-1)), likely due to the feeding strategy of {V}. infernalis as a faecal pellets feeder. {T}he size of extracted microplastics was inversely proportional to the depth of foraging. {T}he microplastics were highly heterogeneous in composition (shape, colour and polymer type). {O}ur results provide information regarding microplastic interaction with deep-sea organisms and evidence of the biological influence in the microplastic sinking mechanism.}, keywords = {{P}lastics ; {M}arine litter ; {D}eep-sea squids ; {O}ceanic islands ; {M}esopelagic zone ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {SUD} {OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {174}, numero = {}, pages = {113309 [9 p.]}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113309}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084218}, }