@article{fdi:010084094, title = {{P}hytochemical analysis of {Z}iziphus mucronata {W}illd. extract and screening for antifungal activity against peanut pathogens}, author = {{K}oita, {K}. and {N}eya, {F}.{B}. and {O}poku, {N}. and {B}aissac, {Y}. and {C}ampa, {C}laudine and {S}ankara, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hemical analysis of aqueous extract of {Z}iziphus mucronata {W}illd. was determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ({LC}-{MS}) analysis. {A}mong the 11 compounds found, catechin, rutin (quercetin 3-{O}-rutinoside), delphinidin-3-glucoside, isoquercetin (hyperoside) and quercitrin (quercetine3,7-{O}-{L}-dirhanmopyranoside) were identified as the major phenolics components in this aqueous plant extract. {T}o elute the target compounds, the fractionation of crude extract was carried out on solid phase extraction ({SPE}) columns. {T}he different fractions (from {FZ}1 to {FZ}5) obtained after fractionation were evaluated in vitro against economically important foliar fungal pathogens of peanut, including {C}ercospora arachidicola, {P}haeoisariopsis personata and {P}uccinia arachidis. {T}he treatments with {Z} mucronata fractions were compared with negative control (water) and standard solutions of cathechin and rutin (1 mg/m{L}). {A}ll the fractions recorded an inhibitory effect, firstly on conidial germination and germ tube elongation, secondly on disease evolution on peanut leaves previously inoculated by fungi; the level of efficiency of inhibition varied from 40.55 ({FZ}1 against {C}. arachidicola) to 57.14% ({FZ}2 and {FZ}3 against {P}. arachidis). {T}hen, spores of {P}. arachidis seemed to be more sensitive to the treatment.}, keywords = {{BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frican {J}ournal of {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {11}, numero = {10}, pages = {394--402}, ISSN = {1996-0824}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.5897/{AJPS}2017.1600}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084094}, }