@article{fdi:010084011, title = {{T}he conflicted city : {NGO} s and globalised urban development visions of {J}akarta}, author = {{T}adi{\'e}, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}s a megacity, {J}akarta has enjoyed mixed forms of residential neighbourhoods, in which the kampungs used to prevail. {A}fter a period of kampung rehabilitation, relocation programmes intensified in {J}akarta in the 1980s, influenced by the {S}ingaporean model and paradigmatic shifts in international policies for housing for the poor. {A}s a reaction, various local {NGO}?s have proposed alternative solutions to what can seem a hegemonic international trend. {S}tarting from the imposition of international models for housing for the poor, this paper studies how local {NGO}'s in {J}akarta have tried to negotiate these hegemonic global shifts and to propose other types of solutions. {I}t first analyses the context of urban transformation in the central zones and the eradication of several kampungs. {I}t then addresses the {NGO}s' alternative visions of the city and its future, before showing how these visions are deeply rooted in formal and informal networks specific to the {I}ndonesian context.}, keywords = {{MEGAPOLE} ; {HABITAT} {URBAIN} ; {GESTION} {URBAINE} ; {REHABILITATION} {DES} {QUARTIERS} ; {ONG} ; {PAUVRETE} ; {POLITIQUE} {URBAINE} ; {KAMPONG} ; {INDONESIE} ; {JAKARTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {E}ast {A}sian {S}tudies}, volume = {21}, numero = {2}, pages = {197--223}, ISSN = {1568-0584}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1163/15700615-20211022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084011}, }