@article{fdi:010083956, title = {{V}accination against tuberculosis, polio and hepatitis {B} at birth in {P}odor health district, {N}orthern {S}enegal : cross-sectional study of vaccination coverage and its associated factors}, author = {{B}assoum, {O}. and {S}ougou, {N}. {M}. and {B}a, {M}. {F}. and {A}nne, {M}. and {B}ocoum, {M}. and {D}ieye, {A}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {T}al-{D}ia, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {I}n {S}enegal, studies focusing specifically on vaccination coverage with the {B}acille de {C}almette et {G}uerin ({BCG}) vaccine, the birth dose of oral polio vaccine ({OPV} zero dose) and the birth dose of hepatitis {B} ({H}ep{B}-{BD}) vaccine are insufficient. {T}his study aimed to highlight vaccination coverages with birth doses and factors associated with timely vaccination in {P}odor health district. {M}ethods {A} cross-sectional study was carried out from {J}une 19 to 22, 2020. {T}he study population consisted of children aged 12 to 23 months of which 832 were included. {A} stratified two-stage cluster survey was carried out. {T}he sources of data were home-based records ({HBR}), health facility registries ({HFR}) and parental recalls. {T}imely vaccination refers to any vaccination that has taken place within 24 h after birth. {D}escriptive analyzes, the chi-square test and logistic regression were performed. {R}esults {T}he crude vaccination coverages with {BCG}, {OPV} zero dose and {H}ep{B}-{BD} were 95.2%, 88.3% and 88.1%, respectively. {V}accination coverages within 24 h after birth were estimated at 13.9%, 30% and 42.1%, respectively. {T}he factors associated with timely {H}ep{B}-{BD} are delivery in a health facility ({AOR} = 1.55; 95% {CI} = 1.02-2.40), access to television ({AOR} = 1.63; 95% {CI} = 1.16-2.29), weighing ({AOR} = 3.92; 95% {CI} = 1.97-8.53) and hospitalization of the newborn immediately after birth ({AOR} = 0.42; 95% {CI} = 0.28-0.62). {C}onclusion {T}imely administration of birth doses is a challenge in the {P}odor health district. {T}he solutions would be improving geographic access to health facilities, involving community health workers, raising awareness and integrating health services.}, keywords = {{V}accination {C}overage ; {T}imely ; {B}irth {D}oses ; {S}enegal ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {P}ublic {H}ealth}, volume = {22}, numero = {1}, pages = {110 [13 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1186/s12889-022-12535-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083956}, }