@article{fdi:010083937, title = {{O}rganic inputs in agroforestry systems improve soil organic carbon storage in {I}tasy, {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}akotovao, {N}. {H}. and {R}asoarinaivo, {A}. {R}. and {R}azafimbelo, {T}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric and {A}lbrecht, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}groforestry systems ({AFS}) are recognized as one of the practices with high potential to store carbon in soils. {I}n the {I}tasy region, {AFS} were introduced to improve farmers' livelihoods by diversifying income sources and to address problems related to soil degradation. {P}revious studies in the region have shown the potential of {AFS} to store organic carbon in the soil. {I}n the present work, we carried out further studies to assess the main factors affecting {SOC} stocks in {AFS}. {I}n 2014, we performed a soil sampling on 137 {AFS} farmers'plots to assess {SOC} stocks in different {AFS}. {I}n 2018, a second sampling was carried out to calculate {SOC} storage rates using the diachronic approach on 30 most representative {AFS}. {T}he results revealed that the factors "age of the system" and "type of organic inputs" significantly affected {SOC} stocks in {AFS}. {SOC} stocks increased significantly over time in {AFS} plots, benefiting from regular organic inputs such as manure and/or compost. {I}n contrast, {SOC} stocks remained unchanged over time in {AFS} plots where no organic fertilization was used. {O}ur study showed a substantial {SOC} storage up to 47 parts per thousand year(-1), mainly explained by regular additions of organic inputs to maintain soil fertility and crop production. {H}owever, to fully understand the process of {SOC} storage in this context, further works, such as the analysis of the link between organic matter quality and the {SOC} storage process, and the quantification of the share of soil carbon inputs derived from tree biomass should be undertaken.}, keywords = {{C} sequestration ; {A}groecology ; {M}anure ; {C}ompost ; {T}ree ; {T}ropical ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ITASY}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}egional {E}nvironmental {C}hange}, volume = {22}, numero = {1}, pages = {6 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {1436-3798}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s10113-021-01863-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083937}, }