@article{fdi:010083935, title = {{B}iological evidence and molecular modeling of a grapevine {P}inot gris virus outbreak in a vineyard}, author = {{H}ily, {J}. {M}. and {K}omar, {V}. and {P}oulicard, {N}ils and {V}igne, {E}. and {J}acquet, {O}. and {P}rotet, {N}. and {S}pilmont, {A}. {S}. and {L}emaire, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince its identification in 2003, little has been revealed about the spread of grapevine {P}inot gris virus ({GPGV}), an emerging grapevine virus. {A}ccording to studies from {I}taly, {GPGV} transmission in the vineyard can be fast but progressive over the years. {T}o gain new insights into the spread of {GPGV} infections, we tested 67 grapevines in a single vineyard parcel in southern {F}rance. {T}hese vines were sampled over 8 years (2013 to 2020) and tested for {GPGV} by reverse-transcription {PCR} using a new primer pair designed from the recently described genetic diversity of {GPGV} worldwide. {W}hile focusing on a portion of the samples (n = 20), we observed a drastic increase in newly {GPGV}-infected vines from 2014 (5%, 1 of 20) to 2015 (80%, 16 of 20) and 2016 (90%, 18 of 20). {I}nfected vines were scattered throughout the vineyard with no distinct pattern of distribution, and some rare vines remained negative through 2020. {U}sing all available genomic information, we performed {B}ayesian-based phylogeographic analyses that identified a major intravineyard transmission in 2014 to 2015. {T}o test our model, we analyzed 47 additional grapevines and confirmed the outbreak of {GPGV} in 2015, validating our in silico projection. {I}nterestingly, some grapevines remained negative throughout the study, in spite of their close proximity to infected plants. {T}hese results raise questions about the dynamics of vector populations and environmental conditions that may be required for virus spread to occur in the vineyard.}, keywords = {detection ; {GPGV} ; grapevine ; phylodynamic modeling ; spatiotemporal ; infection spread ; {FRANCE} ; {CHATEAUNEUF} {DU} {PAPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytobiomes {J}ournal}, volume = {5}, numero = {4}, pages = {464--472}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1094/pbiomes-11-20-0079-r}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083935}, }