@article{fdi:010083832, title = {{G}enomics-informed multiplex {PCR} scheme for rapid identification of rice-associated bacteria of the genus {P}antoea}, author = {{K}ini, {K}. and {A}gnimonhan, {R}. and {D}ossa, {R}. and {S}ilue, {D}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genus {P}antoea forms a complex of more than 25 species, among which several cause diseases of various crop plants, including rice. {N}otably, strains of {P}antoea ananatis and {P}. stewartii have been repeatedly reported to cause bacterial leaf blight of rice, whereas other authors have observed that {P}. agglomerans can also cause bacterial leaf blight of rice. {T}he contribution of these and perhaps other species of {P}antoea to plant diseases and yield losses of crop plants is currently not well documented, partly due to the lack of efficient diagnostic tools. {U}sing 32 whole-genome sequences of the three major plant-pathogenic {P}antoea spp., a set of {PCR} primers that detect each of the three species {P}. agglomerans, {P}. ananatis, and {P}. stewartii was designed. {A} multiplex {PCR} scheme which can distinguish these three species and also detects members of other {P}antoea spp. was further developed. {U}pon validation on a set of reference strains, 607 suspected {P}antoea strains that were isolated from rice leaves or seed originating from 11 {A}frican countries were screened. {I}n total, 41 {P}. agglomerans strains from 8 countries, 79 {P}. ananatis strains from 9 countries, 269 {P}. stewartii strains from 9 countries, and 218 unresolved {P}antoea strains from 10 countries were identified. {T}he {PCR} protocol allowed detection of {P}antoea bacteria grown in vitro, in planta, and in rice seed. {T}he detection threshold was estimated as total genomic {DNA} at 0.5 ng/mu l and heated cells at 1 x 104 {CFU}/ml. {T}his new molecular diagnostic tool will help to accurately diagnose major plant-pathogenic species of {P}antoea. {D}ue to its robustness, specificity, sensitivity, and cost efficiency, it will be very useful for plant protection services and for the epidemiological surveillance of these important crop-threatening bacteria.}, keywords = {cereals and grains ; diagnostic tool ; field crops ; multiplex {PCR} ; {O}ryza sativa ; {P}antoea ; pathogen detection ; plant pathogen ; prokaryotes ; rice ; techniques}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {D}isease}, volume = {105}, numero = {9}, pages = {2389--2394}, ISSN = {0191-2917}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1094/pdis-07-20-1474-re}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083832}, }