@article{fdi:010083800, title = {{C}annabinoids vs. whole metabolome : relevance of cannabinomics in analyzing {C}annabis varieties}, author = {{V}asquez-{O}cmin, {P}. {G}. and {M}arti, {G}. and {B}onhomme, {M}. and {M}athis, {F}. and {F}ournier, {S}. and {B}ertani, {S}t{\'e}phane and {M}aciuk, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}annabis sativa has a long history of domestication both for its bioactive compounds and its fibers. {T}his has produced hundreds of varieties, usually characterized in the literature by chemotypes, with {D}elta(9)-{THC} and {CBD} content as the main markers. {H}owever, chemotyping could also be done based on minor compounds (phytocannabinoids and others). {I}n this work, a workflow, which we propose to name cannabinomics, combines mass spectrometry of the whole metabolome and statistical analysis to help differentiate {C}. sativa varieties and deciphering their characteristic markers. {B}y applying this cannabinomics approach to the data obtained from 20 varieties of {C}. sativa (classically classified as chemotype {I}, {II}, or {III}), we compared the results with those obtained by a targeted quantification of 11 phytocannabinoids. {C}annabinomics can be considered as a complementary tool for phenotyping and genotyping, allowing the identification of minor compounds playing a key role as markers of differentiation.}, keywords = {{C}annabis ; {C}annabinomics ; {C}hemotypes ; {M}etabolome ; {P}hytocannabinoids}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nalytica {C}himica {A}cta}, volume = {1184}, numero = {}, pages = {339020 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {0003-2670}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aca.2021.339020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083800}, }