@book{fdi:010083573, title = {{E}l {N}iño {S}outhern {O}scillation ({ENSO}) effects on fisheries and aquaculture}, author = {{B}ertrand, {A}rnaud and {L}engaigne, {M}atthieu and {T}akahashi, {K}. and {A}vadi, {A}. and {P}oulain, {F}. and {H}arrod, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his {FAO} {T}echnical {P}aper synthesizes current knowledge on the impact of {E}l {N}iño {S}outhern {O}scillation ({ENSO}) events on fisheries and aquaculture in the context of a changing climate. {F}isheries and aquaculture are essential parts of the global food system. {T}he recent discovery that {ENSO} is far more diverse than previously recognized highlights a pressing need to synthesize the impact of the different {ENSO} types on fisheries and aquaculture. {T}he overall aim of this {T}echnical {P}aper is to provide relevant, up-to-date information and help decision-makers identify the most appropriate interventions according to the diversity of {ENSO} types. {I}n addition, the possible effects of climate change on these sectors can be partly illustrated by the current effects of {ENSO} events, which are themselves affected by climate change. {T}he {T}echnical {P}aper describes the diversity of {ENSO} events ({C}hapter 2), {ENSO} forecasting ({C}hapter 3) and {ENSO} in the context of climate change ({C}hapter 4). {I}t includes a global overview and regional assessment of {ENSO} impact ({C}hapters 5 and 6) and a focus on coral bleaching and damage to reefs and related fisheries ({C}hapter 7). {F}inally, it synthesizes the lessons learned and the perspectives for {ENSO} and preparedness in a warmer ocean ({C}hapter 10).}, keywords = {{PACIFIQUE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, address = {{R}ome}, publisher = {{FAO}}, series = {{FAO} {F}isheries and {A}quaculture {T}echnical {P}apers}, pages = {244}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.4060/ca8348en}, ISBN = { 978-92-5-132327-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083573}, }