@book{fdi:010083491, title = {{P}roperty and territory : origins of a colonial order in {B}elize in the 19th and 20th centuries}, author = {{H}offmann, {O}dile}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}or a long time, the genre of {B}elizean historiography has been defined by a blindness toward the {E}arth. {I}f colonial historiography treated the {E}arth as nothing more than brute nature - a blank canvas upon which the {B}ritish did their business - then critical or post-colonial historiography has generally ignored the problem. {O}dile {H}offmann confronts this situation with a major two-part intervention into {B}elizean historiography. {T}he first contribution was published by {C}ubola in co-edition with the {I}nstitut de {R}echerche pour le {D}{\'e}veloppement ({IRD}) in 2014. {E}ntitled {B}ritish {H}onduras: {T}he invention of a colonial territory, mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century, the book compiles the most important maps in the history of the colonization of {B}ritish {H}onduras. {P}roperty and {T}erritory: {O}rigins of a colonial order provides {B}elizeans and scholars of {B}elize with the first proper study of the transformation of the {E}arth into its two familiar forms: territory and property. {T}he becoming-property and territorialization of the land we call {B}elize is the central object of analysis in {H}offmann's study. {D}rawing upon extensive archival research as well as interviews with diverse actors, the book explains the geographical and political complexities surrounding land in {B}elize. {T}he book's three closing chapters provide historical case studies of land politics in {C}orozal, {O}range {W}alk, and {T}oledo. {T}he result is the most important study of land in {B}elize since the path-breaking work by {O}. {N}igel {B}olland and {A}ssad {S}homan in 1977. {W}ith these two volumes, {H}offmann has made a singular contribution. {A}bove all, these books demonstrate beyond a doubt that the making of modernity in {B}elize was a process of transforming the {E}arth into property and territory - a process initiated for the sake of a profoundly unequal colonial order, which, forty years after independence, lives on.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {HISTORIQUE} ; {HISTOIRE} {COLONIALE} ; {POLITIQUE} {FONCIERE} ; {REFORME} {AGROFONCIERE} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {REGIONAL} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {RURAL} ; {PROPRIETE} ; {TERRITOIRE} ; {FORESTERIE} ; {IDENTITE} {CULTURELLE} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {AMERINDIENNE} ; {SOCIETE} {PLURICULTURELLE} ; {COROZAL} ; {TOLEDO} ; {ORANGE} {WALK} ; {BELIZE}}, address = {{M}exico}, publisher = {{C}ubola {P}roductions ; {IRD}}, series = {{T}he {B}elize {C}ollection : {H}istory}, pages = {214}, year = {2021}, ISBN = {978-2-7099-2806-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083491}, }