@article{fdi:010083340, title = {{I}nteractions among multiple selective pressures on the form-function relationship in insular stream fishes}, author = {{D}iamond, {K}. {M}. and {L}agarde, {R}. and {G}riner, {J}. {G}. and {P}onton, {D}ominique and {P}owder, {K}. {E}. and {S}choenfuss, {H}. {L}. and {W}alker, {J}. {A}. and {B}lob, {R}. {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}elationships between body shape and escape performance are well established for many species. {H}owever, organisms can face multiple selection pressures that might impose competing demands. {M}any fishes use fast starts for escaping predator attacks, whereas some species of gobiid fishes have evolved the ability to climb waterfalls out of predator-dense habitats. {T}he ancestral 'powerburst' climbing mechanism uses lateral body undulations to move up waterfalls, whereas a derived 'inching' mechanism uses rectilinear locomotion. {W}e examined whether fast-start performance is impacted by selection imposed from the new functional demands of climbing. {W}e predicted that non-climbing species would show morphology and fast-start performance that facilitate predator evasion, because these fish live consistently with predators and are not constrained by the demands of climbing. {W}e also predicted that, by using lateral undulations, powerburst climbers would show escape performance superior to that of inchers. {W}e compared fast starts and body shape across six goby species. {A}s predicted, non-climbing fish exhibited distinct morphology and responded more frequently to an attack stimulus than climbing species. {C}ontrary to our predictions, we found no differences in escape performance among climbing styles. {T}hese results indicate that selection for a competing pressure need not limit the ability of prey to escape predator attacks.}, keywords = {biomechanics ; ecomorphology ; escape response ; geometric morphometrics ; locomotion}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {J}ournal of the {L}innean {S}ociety}, volume = {134}, numero = {3}, pages = {557--567}, ISSN = {0024-4066}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1093/biolinnean/blab098}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083340}, }