@article{fdi:010083314, title = {{B}est-practice fisheries management associated with reduced stocks and changes in life histories}, author = {{M}c{C}lanahan, {T}. {R}. and {F}riedlander, {A}. {M}. and {W}antiez, {L}. and {G}raham, {N}. {A}. {J}. and {B}ruggemann, {J}. {H}. and {C}habanet, {P}ascale and {O}ddenyo, {R}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}urrent best-practice policy recommendations for managing fish stocks are achieved by a mixture of maintaining modest fishing mortality (restricting effort, times and gear), marine reserve networks and not subsidizing unprofitable fisheries. {A} seldom evaluated question is how effective these proposed approaches are for maintaining all fish stocks and biodiversity elements in marine seascapes? {B}oth recommended and unrecommended fishing practices fragment habitats and reduce metapopulation connectivity with potentially unexpected seascape-level consequences. {T}o better understand these outcomes, we pooled and evaluated fish community data into two seascape groupings for comparisons of biomass and life-history characteristics. {T}hese were remote baseline reefs (>9 hr from regional cities and >4 hr from human habitation, n = 584 locations) and those emulating best-practice seascapes ({BPS}, n = 140). {BPS} were a mix of high-compliance marine reserves (fishable biomass = 892 +/- 696 (+/- {SD}) kg/ha, n = 95; >5 km(2) and >15 years of closure) and fished seascapes (478 +/- 395 kg/ha, n = 45) that had biomass near the maximum sustained yield ({MSY}) estimates for coral reefs. {T}he fish communities in the {BPS} locations differed considerably from the remote baseline by having 49% of the median and 32% of the mean biomass, smaller community-weighted body sizes, and faster growth and mortality rates. {M}ost of the declines were associated with high biomass taxa that included carnivorous jacks ({C}arangidae), snappers ({L}utjanidae), groupers ({S}erranidae) and triggerfish ({B}alistidae), which were reduced to between 11% and 28% of the mean baseline. {S}urgeonfish ({A}canthuridae) and parrotfish ({S}carinae) were an exception in being reduced to only 48 and 53% of the baseline's mean biomass, respectively. {A}s expected, community-level body sizes and age values were larger and trophic level higher, while growth and mortality were lower in baselines than {BPS} seascapes. {A}fter evaluating the different environmental responses between seascapes and accounting for the largest geographic factor, longitude, we evaluated the community responses to 4 possible {BPS} planning scenarios. {B}iomass responses to age and trophic level and length at maturity were similar and predictable for the two seascapes. {I}n contrast, growth and generation time responses differed between seascapes. {B}aselines had peak biomass patterns at intermediate values, whereas {BPS} displayed a declining influence of growth and a saturating response for generation time. {C}onsequently, deviations between {BPS} and baselines indicate that current {BPS} proposals do not fully emulate the ecology of remote or wilderness locations. {T}herefore, wilderness will be a required management designation if the global fish communities are to be fully conserved.}, keywords = {baselines and benchmarks ; fisheries and ecological indicators ; fragmented populations ; island biogeography ; pristine or virgin biomass ; seascapes ; sustainability ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ish and {F}isheries}, volume = {23}, numero = {2}, pages = {422--444}, ISSN = {1467-2960}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1111/faf.12625}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083314}, }