@article{fdi:010083283, title = {{A}cute and chronic toxicity assessments of 17 beta-estradiol ({E}-2) and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol ({EE}2) on the calanoid copepod {A}cartia clausi : effects on survival, development, sex-ratio and reproduction}, author = {{D}jebbi, {E}. and {Y}ahia, {M}. {N}. {D}. and {F}arcy, {E}. and {P}ringault, {O}livier and {B}onnet, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}strogens, such as the 17 beta-estradiol ({E}2) and the 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol ({EE}2), have been regarded as a global threat to aquatic ecosystems due to their pseudo-persistence, their high estrogenic activity and their toxicity towards non-target species. {D}ata regarding their ecotoxicological effects on marine calanoid copepods are very scarce. {I}n this study, the calanoid copepod {A}cartia clausi was used as a model organism for estrogens exposure in marine pelagic ecosystems. {L}ethal effects of estrogens on {A}. clausi life-stages ({E}mbryos, one day old nauplii: {N}1, three day old nauplii: {N}3, copepodites: {C}1-{C}3 and adults: {C}6) were investigated using 48 h acute tests. {C}opepods showed stage-specific responses against {E}2 and {EE}2 acute exposure. {T}he most resistant life stage was {N}1 with {LC}50 values > 1500 mu g {L}-1 and >5000 mu g {L}-1, respectively for {E}2 and {EE}2. {F}or {N}3, {C}1-{C}3, and {C}6, sensitivity to estrogens decreased with age and survival was affected at concentrations above those detected in the environment reflecting low estrogens acute toxicity for these life stages. {I}n contrast, embryonic stage revealed high vulnerability to {E}2 and {EE}2 acute effects. {E}mbryos showed non-monotonic dose-response and hatching success was significantly reduced at low realistic concentrations of {E}2 (0.005, 0.5, and 5 mu g {L}-1) and {EE}2 (0.05 and 5 mu g {L}-1). {S}urvival, development and sex ratio of {A}. clausi to {EE}2 exposure at 1 and 100 mu g {L}-1 were also determined during a life cycle experiment. {F}itness of the females of the generation {F}0 was evaluated by measuring lifespan, prosome length and egg production. {T}he main observed effects were the decrease of females' prosome length, the feminization of the population and the reduction of the egg production for the generation {F}0 at 100 mu g {L}-1 of {EE}2. {T}his concentration is above those reported in the environment indicating the tolerance of {A}. clausi to {EE}2 at environmentally relevant concentrations.}, keywords = {{E}strogens ; {L}ow concentration effect ; {L}ethal effect ; {L}ife cycle ; {E}gg ; hatching success ; {L}ifespan ; {FRANCE} ; {THAU} {ETANG}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience of the {T}otal {E}nvironment}, volume = {807}, numero = {2}, pages = {150845 [11 ]}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150845}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083283}, }