@article{fdi:010083263, title = {{F}irst reports of envenoming by {S}outh {A}merican water snakes {H}elicops angulatus and {H}ydrops triangularis from {B}olivian {A}mazon : a one-year prospective study of non-front-fanged colubroid snakebites}, author = {{V}illca-{C}orani, {H}. and {N}ieto-{A}riza, {B}. and {L}eon, {R}. and {R}ocabado, {J}. {A}. and {C}hippaux, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {U}rra, {F}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough snakebite incidence is underestimated in {B}olivia, the {A}mazon region presents the highest incidence of these accidents. {T}he local effects of bites by some non-front-fanged colubroid ({NFFC}) snakes are usually confused with that of viperids, resulting in the improper use of antivenoms and medications. {S}ince there is scarce information on clinical treatment and management of {NFFC} bites from {B}olivian {A}mazon, we conducted a prospective study of {NFFC} snakebites by reviewing the records of patients admitted with a snakebite diagnosis at {H}ospital {C}entral {I}virgarzama, {B}olivia. {S}nakebites were recorded for 12 months ({D}ecember 2019-{N}ovember 2020), including information about the sex and age of the patient, snakebite date, and treatment. {E}ight (5.7 %) of 152 patients were bitten by {NFFC} {H}elicops angulatus, {H}ydrops triangularis, and {E}rythrolamprus sp. {O}ur results showed that 5/7 patients had prolonged clotting time and {INR}, as well as local edema and mild pain, suggesting systemic envenoming. {P}reviously non-documented mild coagulopathy was observed for {H}. angulatus and {H}. triangularis bites. {I}n some cases, incorrect first-aid measures, and inappropriate use of bothropic/lachesic antivenom were administrated. {A}ll the patients received supportive therapy and antihistamine drugs. {U}nsupported use of non evidence-based treatments for snakebites such as corticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ({NSAID}s), and prophylactic antibiotic prescription were recorded. {I}n conclusion, we describe the first formally documented snakebite cases produced by {NFFC} from {B}olivia, highlighting the urgent need for training of the medical team in the snake identification, clinical management of snakebite, and the existence of a human-snake conflict involving {NFFC} species.}, keywords = {{S}nakebites ; {N}on-front-fanged colubroid ; {H}uman-snake conflict ; {B}olivian ; {A}mazon ; {M}ild coagulopathy ; {BOLIVIE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxicon}, volume = {202}, numero = {}, pages = {53--59}, ISSN = {0041-0101}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.toxicon.2021.09.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083263}, }