@article{fdi:010083253, title = {{B}iotechnological potential of {Z}ymotis-2 bioreactor for the cultivation of filamentous fungi}, author = {{H}amrouni, {R}. and {D}upuy, {N}. and {K}arachurina, {A}. and {M}itropoulou, {G}. and {K}ourkoutas, {Y}. and {M}olinet, {J}. and {M}aiga, {Y}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground/{A}im {A} new prototype of {S}olid-{S}tate {F}ermentation {B}ioreactor, namely "{Z}ymotis-2 ",was developed to produce fungal spores. {M}ain {M}ethods and {M}ajor {R}esults {A} fermentation process for fungal spores, and hydrolase enzymes (endo and exoglucanases, amylases) production by {T}richoderma asperellum {DWG}3, {A}spergillus niger {G}131 and {B}eauveria bassiana was scaled-up from flasks and glass {R}aimbault column packed with 20 g of solid substrates (dry weight) to 5 kg of solid substrate by using the new {Z}ymotis-2 bioreactor. {F}ungi strains growth using a mix of vine shoots, wheat bran, and olive pomace was tested under similar experimental conditions in {Z}ymotis-2 bioreactor, column bioreactor and flasks in a parallel fermentation system. {O}verall, significant spore production on {Z}ymotis-2 bioreactor was obtained, achieving 22.01 +/- 0.01x10(9) spores/g {DM} 16.30 +/- 0.07 x 10(9) spores/g {DM}, and 3.30 +/- 0.07 x 10(9) spores/g {DM} for {B}. bassiana, {T}. asperellum {DWG}3, and {A}. niger {G}131, respectively. {F}orced aeration increased the endoglucanases, exoglucanases and amylases activities for {T}. asperellum {DWG}3 but {B}. bassiana and {A}. niger {G}131 were affected negatively by the aerated process, showing the lowest enzyme activities. {C}onclusions and {I}mplications {I}n conclusion, a high yield of spores was obtained at 137 h of cultivation time, confirming the validity of the new {Z}ymotis-2 bioreactor to produce virulent spores at low cost by {T}. asperellum, {B}. bassiana and {A}. niger {G}131.}, keywords = {{A}spergillus niger ; {B}eauveria bassiana ; biopesticides ; enzymes ; hydric stress ; secondary metabolites ; {T}richoderma asperellum}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iotechnology {J}ournal}, volume = {17}, numero = {1}, pages = {e2100288 [10 ]}, ISSN = {1860-6768}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1002/biot.202100288}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083253}, }