@article{fdi:010083208, title = {{H}ow many replicates to accurately estimate fish biodiversity using environmental {DNA} on coral reefs ?}, author = {{S}tauffer, {S}. and {J}ucker, {M}. and {K}eggin, {T}. and {M}arques, {V}. and {A}ndrello, {M}. and {B}essudo, {S}. and {C}heutin, {M}. {C}. and {B}orrero-{P}erez, {G}. {H}. and {R}ichards, {E}. and {D}ejean, {T}. and {H}ocd{\'e}, {R}{\'e}gis and {J}uhel, {J}. {B}. and {L}adino, {F}. and {L}etessier, {T}. {B}. and {L}oiseau, {N}. and {M}aire, {E}. and {M}ouillot, {D}. and {M}artinezguerra, {M}. {M}. and {M}anel, {S}. and {F}ernandez, {A}. {P}. and {V}alentini, {A}. and {V}elez, {L}. and {A}lbouy, {C}. and {P}ellissier, {L}. and {W}aldock, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Q}uantifying fish species diversity in rich tropical marine environments remains challenging. {E}nvironmental {DNA} (e{DNA}) metabarcoding is a promising tool to face this challenge through the filtering, amplification, and sequencing of {DNA} traces from water samples. {H}owever, because e{DNA} concentration is low in marine environments, the reliability of e{DNA} to detect species diversity can be limited. {U}sing an e{DNA} metabarcoding approach to identify fish {M}olecular {T}axonomic {U}nits ({MOTU}s) with a single 12{S} marker, we aimed to assess how the number of sampling replicates and filtered water volume affect biodiversity estimates. {W}e used a paired sampling design of 30 {L} per replicate on 68 reef transects from 8 sites in 3 tropical regions. {W}e quantified local and regional sampling variability by comparing {MOTU} richness, compositional turnover, and compositional nestedness. {W}e found strong turnover of {MOTU}s between replicated pairs of samples undertaken in the same location, time, and conditions. {P}aired samples contained non-overlapping assemblages rather than subsets of one another. {A}s a result, non-saturated localized diversity accumulation curves suggest that even 6 replicates (180 {L}) in the same location can underestimate local diversity (for an area <1 km). {H}owever, sampling regional diversity using similar to 25 replicates in variable locations (often covering 10 s of km) often saturated biodiversity accumulation curves. {O}ur results demonstrate variability of diversity estimates possibly arising from heterogeneous distribution of e{DNA} in seawater, highly skewed frequencies of e{DNA} traces per {MOTU}, in addition to variability in e{DNA} processing. {T}his high compositional variability has consequences for using e{DNA} to monitor temporal and spatial biodiversity changes in local assemblages. {A}voiding false-negative detections in future biomonitoring efforts requires increasing replicates or sampled water volume to better inform management of marine biodiversity using e{DNA}.}, keywords = {biomonitoring ; coral reef diversity ; environmental {DNA} ; {MOTU} ; sampling ; variability ; tropical marine ecosystems ; {FRANCE} ; {COLOMBIE} ; {GUADELOUPE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {CARAIBES} {MER} ; {MALPELO} {ILE} ; {SANTA} {MARTA} {BAIE} ; {PROVIDENCIA} {ILE} ; {EPARSES} {ILES} ; {JUAN} {DE} {NOVA} ; {GLORIEUSES} {ILES} ; {TROMELIN} {ILE} ; {EUROPA} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {11}, numero = {21}, pages = {14630--14643}, ISSN = {2045-7758}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1002/ece3.8150}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083208}, }