@article{fdi:010083125, title = {{M}apping coastal marine ecosystems of the {N}ational {P}ark of {B}anc d'{A}rguin ({PNBA}) in {M}auritania using {S}entinel-2 imagery}, author = {{P}ottier, {A}ur{\'e}a and {C}atry, {T}hibault and {T}regarot, {E}. and {M}arechal, {J}. {P}. and {F}ayad, {V}. and {D}avid, {G}ilbert and {C}heikh, {M}. {S}. and {F}ailler, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oastal marine ecosystems ensure fundamental hydro-ecological functions and support high levels of biodiversity, besides being an important resource for local populations. {T}hese biocenosis have been increasingly threatened by human pressures (e.g. pollution, overfishing) along with climate change, which may have a dramatic impact on them. {T}he {N}ational {P}ark of {B}anc d'{A}rguin ({PNBA}) in {M}auritania, one of the biggest parks in {W}estern {A}frica, is a {RAMSAR} zone (classified by {UNESCO} since 1989) that plays a major role in (i) the maintenance of marine biocenosis, (ii) the protection of the ecosystems and (iii) the sequestration of carbon dioxide. {E}cosystem databases and associated maps of the {PNBA} are out of date and limited to the southern and central parts of the park: updating is thus needed. {I}n this paper, a supervised {S}upport {V}ector {M}achine ({SVM}) was deployed using high-resolution images from {S}entinel-2 combined with field data to map marine biocenosis of the {PNBA}. {T}he results highlight that {S}entinel-2 shows good classification accuracy for mapping marine biocenosis (>80% overall accuracy and a kappa index of 0.75), including seagrass beds. {A}lso, the use of high-resolution sensors like {SPOT}-6 (1.5 m pixels) can overcome the limitations of {S}entinel-2 (10 m pixels) when it comes to detecting small ecosystems distributed in patches. {T}he use of freely-downloadable {S}entinel-2 data, processed using geoinformatic freeware, make the methodology reproducible, affordable and easily transferable to local actors of biodiversity conservation for long term usage.}, keywords = {{C}oastal marine ecosystems ; {S}eagrass ; {R}emote sensing ; {S}entinel-2 ; {SPOT}-6 ; {B}anc d'{A}rguin ; {MAURITANIE} ; {BANC} {D}'{ARGUIN} {PARC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {A}pplied {E}arth {O}bservation and {G}eoinformation}, volume = {102}, numero = {}, pages = {102419 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {1569-8432}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jag.2021.102419}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083125}, }