@article{fdi:010082719, title = {{I}nternal solitary waves on the {NW} {A}frican shelf : a heuristic approach to localize diapycnal mixing hotspots}, author = {{G}entil, {M}. and {F}loc'h, {F}. and {M}eunier, {T}. and {R}uiz-{A}ngulo, {A}. and {R}oudaut, {G}ildas and {P}errot, {Y}annick and {L}ebourges {D}haussy, {A}nne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}urbulent mixing on continental shelves plays roles in the structure and dynamics of marine ecosystems, nutrient cycling, primary production and dispersion of pollutants. {D}escribing and understanding internal wave dynamics enables improved mapping of mixing over continental shelves, especially in complex environments where many processes may interact, such as in upwelling systems. {T}his paper describes internal wave propagation and dissipation in the {M}oroccan upwelling system using a comprehensive set of hydrographic observations made during two in situ surveys. {T}he acoustic backscatter of the echosounder is shown to be a rapid and convenient survey tool for detecting internal solitary waves ({ISW}s) on large spatial scales, through the high-frequency oscillation of the zooplankton layer during nighttime conditions. {A}long {ISW} trains, enhanced diapycnal mixing episodes are observed with increased dissipation coefficients in the thermocline ({O}(10-7 {W} kg(-1))), associated with overturning up to 6 m. {M}ixing due to internal wave soliton packets shows large spatial and temporal variability, but contributes to the overall mixing processes and is responsible for large intermittent variations in the thermocline position. {T}he joint use of a multifrequency echosounder and a current profiler {ADCP} allows mixing to be quantified (via the {R}ichardson number) on large spatial scales. {V}alidation and use of this method in other coastal regions could be useful to determine regional mixing parameterization in numerical models.}, keywords = {{I}nternal solitary waves ; {D}iapycnal mixing ; {K}inetic energy dissipation ; {A}coustic backscatter ; {M}oroccan shelf ; {N}orth african upwelling system ; {MAROC} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontinental {S}helf {R}esearch}, volume = {226}, numero = {}, pages = {104492 [10 ]}, ISSN = {0278-4343}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.csr.2021.104492}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082719}, }