@article{fdi:010082711, title = {{P}rotein supplementation during an energy-restricted diet induces visceral fat loss and gut microbiota amino acid metabolism activation : a randomized trial}, author = {{L}assen, {P}. {B}. and {B}elda, {E}. and {P}rifti, {E}di and {D}ao, {M}. {C}. and {S}pecque, {F}. and {H}enegar, {C}. and {R}inaldi, {L}. and {W}ang, {X}. {D}. and {K}ennedy, {S}. {P}. and {Z}ucker, {J}ean-{D}aniel and {C}alame, {W}. and {L}amarche, {B}. and {C}laus, {S}. {P}. and {C}lement, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nteractions between diet and gut microbiota are critical regulators of energy metabolism. {T}he effects of fibre intake have been deeply studied but little is known about the impact of proteins. {H}ere, we investigated the effects of high protein supplementation ({I}nvestigational {P}roduct, {IP}) in a double blind, randomised placebo-controled intervention study ({NCT}01755104) where 107 participants received the {IP} or an isocaloric normoproteic comparator ({CP}) alongside a mild caloric restriction. {G}ut microbiota profiles were explored in a patient subset (n = 53) using shotgun metagenomic sequencing. {V}isceral fat decreased in both groups ({IP} group: -20.8 +/- 23.2 cm(2); {CP} group: -14.5 +/- 24.3 cm(2)) with a greater reduction (p < 0.05) with the {IP} supplementation in the {P}er {P}rotocol population. {M}icrobial diversity increased in individuals with a baseline low gene count (p < 0.05). {T}he decrease in weight, fat mass and visceral fat mass significantly correlated with the increase in microbial diversity (p < 0.05). {P}rotein supplementation had little effects on bacteria composition but major differences were seen at functional level. {P}rotein supplementation stimulated bacterial amino acid metabolism (90% amino-acid synthesis functions enriched with {IP} versus 13% in {CP} group (p < 0.01)). {P}rotein supplementation alongside a mild energy restriction induces visceral fat mass loss and an activation of gut microbiota amino-acid metabolism.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {CANADA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {11}, numero = {1}, pages = {15620 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-021-94916-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082711}, }