@article{fdi:010082606, title = {{B}ulinus senegalensis and {B}ulinus umbilicatus {S}nail infestations by the {S}chistosoma haematobium group in {N}iakhar, {S}enegal}, author = {{G}aye, {P}. {M}. and {D}oucoure, {S}. and {S}enghor, {B}. and {F}aye, {B}. and {G}oumballa, {N}. and {S}embene, {M}. and {L}'{O}llivier, {C}. and {P}arola, {P}. and {R}anque, {S}. and {S}ow, {D}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}horough knowledge of the dynamics of {B}ulinus spp. infestation could help to control the spread of schistosomiasis. {T}his study describes the spatio-temporal dynamics of {B}. senegalensis and {B}. umbilicatus infestation by the {S}chistosoma haematobium group of blood flukes in {N}iakhar, {S}enegal. {M}olecular identification of the {S}. haematobium group was performed by real-time {PCR}, targeting the {D}ra 1 gene in 810 samples of {B}ulinus spp. collected during the schistosomiasis transmission season in 2013. {I}n addition to {D}ra 1 {PCR}, a rapid diagnostic-{PCR} was performed on a sub-group of 43 snails to discriminate {S}. haematobium, {S}. bovis, and {S}. mattheei. {O}ut of 810 snails, 236 (29.1%) were positive for {D}ra 1 based on the {PCR}, including 96.2% and 3.8% of {B}. senegalensis and {B}. umbilicatus, respectively. {A}mong the sub-group, 16 samples were confirmed to be {S}. haematobium while one was identified as a mixture of {S}. haematobium and {S}. bovis. {S}nails infestations were detected in all villages sampled and infestation rates ranged from 15.38% to 42.11%. {T}he prevalence of infestation was higher in the north (33.47%) compared to the south (25.74%). {S}nail populations infestations appear early in the rainy season, with a peak in the middle of the season, and then a decline towards the end of the rainy season. {M}olecular techniques showed, for the first time, the presence of {S}. bovis in the {B}ulinus spp. population of {N}iakhar. {T}he heterogeneity of snail infestations at the village level must be taken into account in mass treatment strategies. {F}urther studies should help to improve the characterizations of the schistosome population.}, keywords = {schistosomiasis ; {S}chistosoma haematobium-group ; {S}. bovis ; {B}ulinus senegalensis ; {B}ulinus umbilicatus ; {D}ra1 ; {RD}-{PCR} ; {N}iakhar ; {SENEGAL} ; {NIAKHAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}athogens}, volume = {10}, numero = {7}, pages = {860 [11 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/pathogens10070860}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082606}, }