@article{fdi:010082591, title = {{C}omplex spatial patterns of genetic differentiation in the {C}aribbean mustard hill coral {P}orites astreoides}, author = {{R}iquet, {F}. and {J}apaud, {A}. and {N}unes, {F}. {L}. {D}. and {S}errano, {X}. {M}. and {B}aker, {A}. {C}. and {B}ezault, {E}. and {B}ouchon, {C}. and {F}auvelot, {C}{\'e}cile}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n contrast to most {C}aribbean corals, the mustard hill coral {P}orites astreoides {L}amarck, 1816 has seen its relative coverage increasing across its distribution range in recent years. {I}nterpreting the reasons of such success remains, however, challenging. {O}n the one hand, genetic homogeneity has been observed over large distances, in line with a large effective population size and/or high migration rate. {O}n the other hand, strong genetic differentiation has been recently observed across depths within regions, consistent with some of the life history traits of {P}. astreoides, such as brooding of larvae followed by a short larval pelagic duration. {B}ased on seven informative microsatellite markers and extensive sampling covering a large part of the {P}. astreoides distribution in the {C}aribbean, including six depth transects, we assessed multi-scale genetic connectivity patterns to test whether populations were structured by bathymetry, microenvironments or geography. {W}hile genetic diversity was similar in {P}. astreoides populations, genetic differentiation was observed not only over broad spatial scales, but also at the island scale or within a site along a depth transect. {I}solation by distance was observed across the {L}esser {A}ntilles populations. {H}owever, genetic homogeneity was also observed over large distances, which, in juxtaposition to significant genetic structure within various locations across the {C}aribbean, has led to a complex spatial pattern of genetic differentiation in {P}. astreoides for which several likely explanations, including mixed reproductive strategy, are discussed.}, keywords = {{S}cleractinian coral ; {C}aribbean ; {M}icrosatellites ; {C}onnectivity ; {G}enetic differentiation ; {I}solation by distance ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {PANAMA} ; {PETITES} {ANTILLES} ; {FLORIDE} ; {CARAIBES} ; {KEYS} ; {BERMUDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}oral {R}eefs}, volume = {41}, numero = {3}, pages = {813--828}, ISSN = {0722-4028}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s00338-021-02157-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082591}, }