@article{fdi:010082322, title = {{R}ice pests in the {R}epublic of {B}enin : farmers' perceptions, knowledge and management practices}, author = {{T}offa, {J}. and {L}oko, {Y}. {L}. {E}. and {D}jedatin, {G}. and {G}bemavo, {C}. {D}. {S}. {J}. and {O}robiyi, {A}. and {T}chakpa, {C}. and {E}wedje, {E}. {E}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{BACKGROUND} {R}ice ({O}ryza spp) is one of the most consumed cereals in the {R}epublic of {B}enin. {H}owever, rice production is threatened by various pests, which lead to important yield losses. {F}or the development of integrated management strategies responding to the farmers' realities, it is important to document their perceptions, knowledge and management of rice pests. {S}urveys involving 418 rice farmers to 21 ethnic groups through 39 villages were performed using rural appraisal tools. {RESULTS} {F}armers perceived birds, specifically weavers as the most important rice pests. {T}he surveyed farmers also identified the variegated grasshopper, {Z}onocerus variegatus {L}. and rice brown leaf spots [{C}urvularia lunata ({W}akker) {B}oedijn] as the main pests in the northern region, the pink stem borer, {S}esamia calamistis {H}ampson and rice blast ({M}agnaporthe grisea ({H}ebert) {B}arr) in the southern region, and {Z}. variegatus and rice yellow mottle virus (genus {S}obemovirus) in central {B}enin. {T}he most important rice storage constraint was rodent attacks and the surveyed farmers proposed 13 key solutions to minimize constraints related to rice storage. {A}mong various pest control methods recorded, farmers used mainly synthetic chemical pesticides. {H}owever, the {B}eninese {N}ational {P}esticide {M}anagement {C}ommittee ({CNGP}) does not recommend most of pesticides used by farmers for rice protection (prohibited pesticides or intended for the protection of other crops). {F}arming experience, family size, region and number of observed pests have significantly influenced farmers' decision to use pesticides. {CONCLUSION} {T}he rice pests perceived by farmers as important vary significantly across regions. {T}hese results suggest that integrated pest management programmes which target rice pests accounting for these regional differences will be more effective. {T}he identified variables that influence the use of pesticides must be taken in account in the development of strategies which will encourage farmers to use ecofriendly pest management.}, keywords = {birds ; diseases ; insect pests ; pesticides ; rodents ; traditional control ; weeds ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}est {M}anagement {S}cience}, volume = {77}, numero = {11}, pages = {5058--5071}, ISSN = {1526-498{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1002/ps.6546}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082322}, }