@article{fdi:010082297, title = {{A}gricultural practices modulate the beneficial activity of bacterial-feeding nematodes for plant growth and nutrition : evidence from an original intact soil core technique}, author = {{T}rap, {J}ean and {R}anoarisoa, {M}. {P}. and {R}aharijaona, {S}. and {R}abeharisoa, {L}. and {P}lassard, {C}. and {M}ayad, {E}. and {B}ernard, {L}aetitia and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry and {B}lanchart, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ree-living nematodes have beneficial effects on plant growth and nutrition. {E}xploring how agricultural practices modulate these beneficial effects is still challenging. {A} study was conducted in {F}erralsols from {M}adagascar from one unmanaged grassland and 16 upland rainfed rice fields, representative of different agricultural practices: rotation, agroforestry and monoculture. {I}ntact soil cores in plastic cylinders were sampled in the field to assess the effects of agricultural practices on changes in plant growth and nutrition induced by the presence of bacterial-feeding nematodes. {T}he soil cores were fumigated to kill the nematodes and moistened with a filtered fresh soil suspension containing only microbial cells. {A} rice seed was introduced in the core, which was then incubated under natural climatic conditions for 40 days with or without inoculation of the bacterial-feeding nematode {A}crobeloides sp. {T}he inoculation of the nematodes induced lower, similar or higher plant biomass and nutrient content in comparison to the control according to the agricultural practices. {P}ositive effects of {A}crobeloides sp. on plant functions were frequent in soil cores sampled from fields with high plant diversity, especially from agroforestry systems. {T}he intact soil core technique appears to be a robust means of mimicking field conditions and constitutes a promising tool to assess effects on soil processes of the ecological intensification of agricultural practices.}, keywords = {sustainable agriculture ; soil fertility ; plant nutrition ; {O}ryza sativa ; {A}crobeloides sp ; soil microbial loop ; agroforestry ; {F}erralsols ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ITASY} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ustainability}, volume = {13}, numero = {13}, pages = {7181 [15 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/su13137181}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082297}, }