@article{fdi:010082293, title = {{O}bserving and predicting coastal erosion at the {L}angue de {B}arbarie sand spit around {S}aint {L}ouis ({S}enegal, {W}est {A}frica) through satellite-derived digital elevation model and shoreline}, author = {{T}aveneau, {A}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {B}ergsma, {E}. {W}. {J}. and {S}y, {B}. {A}. and {N}dour, {A}. and {S}adio, {M}. and {G}arlan, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oastal erosion at {S}aint {L}ouis in {S}enegal is affecting the local population that consists of primarily fishermen communities in their housing and their access to the sea. {T}his paper aims at quantifying urban beach erosion at {S}aint {L}ouis, {S}enegal, {W}est {A}frica which is located on the northern end of the 13 km long {L}angue de {B}arbarie sand spit. {T}he coastal evolution is examined quantitatively over a yearly period using {P}leiades sub-metric satellite imagery that allows for stereogrammetry to derive {D}igital {E}levation {M}odels ({DEM}s). {T}he comparison with ground truth data shows sub-metric differences to the satellite {DEM}s. {D}espite its interest in remote areas and developing countries that cannot count on regular surveys, the accuracy of the satellite-derived topography is in the same order as the coastal change itself, which emphasizes its current limitations. {T}hese 3{D} data are combined with decades-long regular {L}andsat and {S}entinel-2 imagery derived shorelines. {T}hese observations reveal that the sand spit is stretching, narrowing at its {N}orthern part while it is lengthening downdrift {S}outhward, independently from climatological changes in the wave regime. {A} parametric model based on a stochastic cyclic sand spit behaviour allows for predicting the next northern opening of a breach and the urban erosion at {S}aint {L}ouis.}, keywords = {earth observations ; {P}leiades ; satellites ; topography ; sand spit ; morphodynamics ; coastal engineering ; coastal vulnerability ; modeling ; {SENEGAL} ; {SAINT} {LOUIS} ; {LANGUE} {DE} {BARBARIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {13}, numero = {13}, pages = {2454 [17 p.]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/rs13132454}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082293}, }