@article{fdi:010082106, title = {{G}eochemical and isotopic evidence of groundwater salinization processes in the {E}ssaouira region, north-west coast, {M}orocco}, author = {{E}l {M}ountassir, {O}. and {B}ahir, {M}. and {O}uazar, {D}. and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani and {C}arreira, {P}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he city of {E}ssaouira is located along the north-west coast of {M}orocco, where groundwater is the main source of drinking, domestic and agricultural water. {I}n recent decades, the salinity of groundwater has increased, which is why geochemical techniques and environmental isotopes have been used to determine the main sources of groundwater recharge and salinization. {T}he hydrochemical study shows that for the years 1995, 2007, 2016 and 2019, the chemical composition of groundwater in the study area consists of {HCO}3-{C}a-{M}g, {C}l-{C}a-{M}g, {SO}4-{C}a and {C}l-{N}a chemical facies. {T}he results show that from 1995 to 2019, electrical conductivity increased and that could be explained by a decrease in annual rainfall in relation to climate change and water-rock interaction processes. {G}eochemical and environmental isotope data show that the main geochemical mechanisms controlling the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in the {C}enomanian-{T}uronian aquifer are the water-rock interaction and the cation exchange process. {T}he diagram of delta {H}-2 = 8 * delta {O}-18 + 10 shows that the isotopic contents are close or above to the {G}lobal {M}eteoric {W}ater {L}ine, which suggests that the aquifer is recharged by precipitation of {A}tlantic origin. {I}n conclusion, groundwater withdrawal should be well controlled to prevent groundwater salinization and further intrusion of seawater due to the lack of annual groundwater recharge in the {E}ssaouira region.}, keywords = {{S}table isotopes ; {E}ssaouira ; {G}roundwater ; {C}limate change ; {G}eochemistry ; {MAROC} ; {ESSAOUIRA} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{SN} {A}pplied {S}ciences}, volume = {3}, numero = {7}, pages = {698 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {2523-3963}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s42452-021-04623-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082106}, }