@article{fdi:010082083, title = {{S}patial patterns in planktonic cnidarian distribution in the western boundary current system of the tropical {S}outh {A}tlantic {O}cean}, author = {{T}osetto, {E}. {G}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud and {N}eumann-{L}eitao, {S}. and {D}a {S}ilva, {A}. {C}. and {N}ogueira, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n marine western boundary systems, strong currents flowing coastward spread oceanic water masses over the continental shelves. {H}ere we propose to test the hypothesis according to which oceanic cnidarian species may dominate western boundary system regions even in coastal waters. {F}or that purpose we use a set of data collected above the shelf, slope and around oceanic seamounts and islands in the {W}estern {T}ropical {S}outh {A}tlantic. {S}amples were acquired with a plankton net with 300 mu m mesh size over 34 stations during an oceanographic cruise carried out in {O}ctober 2015. {R}esults reveal a diverse cnidarian assemblage in the area, extending the known distribution of many species. {I}n addition, the {F}ernando de {N}oronha {C}hain and most of the narrow continental shelf presented a typical oceanic cnidarian community, dominated by holoplanktonic siphonophores. {I}n this western boundary system, this condition was likely driven by the strong currents, which carry the oceanic tropical water and associated planktonic fauna toward the coast. {A} specific area with reduced influence of oceanic currents presented typical coastal species. {T}he pattern we observed with the dominance of oceanic plankton communities up to coastal areas may be typical in western boundary systems characterized by a narrow continental shelf.}, keywords = {medusae ; siphonophores ; tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean ; {S}outh {E}quatorial {C}urrent ; {N}orth {B}razil {U}ndercurrent ; {F}ernando de {N}oronha chain ; {N}ortheast {B}razil ; {BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {SUD} ; {ZONE} {EQUATORIALE} ; {FERNANDO} {DE} {NORONHA} {ARCHIPEL} ; {ROCAS} {ATOLL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lankton {R}esearch}, volume = {43}, numero = {2}, pages = {270--287}, ISSN = {0142-7873}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1093/plankt/fbaa066}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082083}, }