@article{fdi:010081727, title = {{A}dvancing marine conservation in {E}uropean and contiguous seas with the {M}ar{C}ons {A}ction}, author = {{K}atsanevakis, {S}. and {M}ackelworth, {P}. and {C}oll, {M}arta and {F}raschetti, {S}. and {M}acic, {V}. and {G}iakoumi, {S}. and {J}ones, {P}.{J}.{S}. and {L}evin, {N}. and {A}lbano, {P}.{G}. and {B}adalamenti, {F}. and {B}rennan, {R}.{E}. and {C}laudet, {J}. and {C}ulibrk, {D}. and {D}'{A}nna, {G}. and {D}eidun, {A}. and {E}vagelopoulos, {A}. and {G}arcía-{C}harton, {J}.{A}. and {G}oldsborough, {D}. and {H}olcer, {D}. and {J}imenez, {C}. and {K}ark, {S}. and {S}orensen, {T}.{K}. and {L}azar, {B}. and {M}artin, {G}. and {M}azaris, {A}. and {M}icheli, {F}. and {M}ilner-{G}ulland, {E}.{J}. and {P}ipitone, {C}. and {P}ortman, {M}. and {P}ranovi, {F}. and {R}ilov, {G}. and {S}mith, {R}.{J}. and {S}telzenmüller, {V}. and {V}ogiatzakis, {I}.{N}. and {W}inters, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}umulative human impacts have led to the degradation of marine ecosystems and the decline of biodiversity in the {E}uropean and contiguous seas. {E}ffective conservation measures are urgently needed to reverse these trends. {C}onservation must entail societal choices, underpinned by human values and worldviews that differ between the countries bordering these seas. {S}ocial, economic and political heterogeneity adds to the challenge of balancing conservation with sustainable use of the seas. {C}omprehensive macro-regional coordination is needed to ensure effective conservation of marine ecosystems and biodiversity of this region. {U}nder the {E}uropean {U}nion {H}orizon 2020 framework programme, the {M}ar{C}ons {COST} action aims to promote collaborative research to support marine management, conservation planning and policy development. {T}his will be achieved by developing novel methods and tools to close knowledge gaps and advance marine conservation science. {T}his action will provide support for the development of macro-regional and national policies through six key actions: to develop tools to analyse cumulative human impacts; to identify critical scientific and technical gaps in conservation efforts; to improve the resilience of the marine environment to global change and biological invasions; to develop frameworks for integrated conservation planning across terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments; to coordinate marine conservation policy across national boundaries; and to identify effective governance approaches for marine protected area management. {A}chieving the objectives of these actions will facilitate the integration of marine conservation policy into macro-regional maritime spatial planning agendas for the {E}uropean and contiguous seas, thereby offsetting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in this region}, keywords = {{MEDITERRANEE} ; {EUROPE} ; {MER} {NOIRE} ; {MER} {BALTIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}esearch {I}deas and {O}utcomes}, volume = {3}, numero = {}, pages = {e11884 [16 ]}, ISSN = { 2367-7163}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3897/rio.3.e11884}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081727}, }