@article{fdi:010081671, title = {{I}mmature growth performance of three important rubber tree ({H}evae brasiliensis) clones in a drought-prone area}, author = {{N}hean, {S}. and {A}yutthaya, {S}.{I}.{N}. and {R}athanawong, {R}. and {D}o, {F}rederic}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}daptation of rubber tree clones to water-limited areas and maintenance of trunk radial growth are important keys for performance of genetic material. {T}he rubber farmers need to shorten the interim phases to produce latex, which is considered "immature" phase, i.e. the time without income. {T}he objective of this study was to compare the performance of three important rubber tree clones: {GT}1, the elder clone as control, which is still widely used in {C}ambodia and {W}est {A}frica; {RRIM}600, the "all-round" clone, the most planted clone in {T}hailand, the first world producer; and {RRIT}251, the expanding clone, recommended by the {R}ubber {A}uthority of {T}hailand, all in the field condition. {T}he investigation was conducted in a drought-prone area of {N}ortheast {T}hailand, where the dry season lasts 5 to 6 months. {T}he cumulated growth and the annual growth were analyzed 4.5 years after planting. {T}he trunk girth and height were measured monthly. {M}ain climatic variables were hourly recorded. {T}he year was separated in three periods: the leaves-shed season from {J}anuary to {A}pril, the wet season from {M}ay to {S}eptember, and the dry season with canopy maintenance from {O}ctober to {D}ecember. {T}he results showed significant clonal effect on both trunk girth and height; however, with relatively low differences. {T}he trunk girth of clone {RRIT}251 was about 29 cm and 10% higher than {GT}1. {T}he difference was not significant in {RRIM}600. {T}he annual girth increment was mainly located in wet season (63%) without clonal effect. {T}he clonal difference was occurred in the dry season, where {RRIT}251 was better performed particularly in the leave-shed period preceding wet season. {O}n a monthly basis, the relative trunk girth increment rate was highly negatively related to the vapor pressure deficit. {W}e hypothesized that rubber clones shared a common strategy of dehydration avoidance, while {RRIT}251 expressed a little less degree of avoidance.}, keywords = {{THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ustralian {J}ournal of {C}rop {S}cience}, volume = {14}, numero = {3}, pages = {469--474}, ISSN = {1835-2707}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.21475/ajcs.20.14.03.p2029}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081671}, }