@article{fdi:010081638, title = {{E}merald mineralization associated with the mavis lake pegmatite group, near {D}ryden, {O}ntario}, author = {{B}rand, {A}. {A}. and {G}roat, {L}. {A}. and {L}innen, {R}. {L}. and {G}arland, {M}. {I}. and {B}reaks, {F}. {W}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {T}aylor 2 (also known as {G}host {L}ake) emerald showing near {D}ryden, in northwestern {O}ntario, is associated with a granitic pegmatite of the {M}avis {L}ake {P}egmatite {G}roup proximal to the 2685 {M}a {G}host {L}ake {B}atholith. {T}he {T}aylor 2 pegmatite consists of three separate limbs that intruded a wide zone of chlorite schist near the eastern end of an altered ultramafic sill. {M}ost of the beryl and emerald occurs in a "zone of mixing" between the southern and central limbs of the pegmatite. {T}he rock in the "zone of mixing" consists of relict orange {K}-feldspar crystals (to 30 cm) in a matrix of anhedral bluish plagioclase, quartz, fine-grained black phlogopite, blue apatite crystals (to 1 cm), and black tourmaline crystals (to 2 cm). {T}he beryl occurs as euhedral crystals up to 2.3 x 1.8 cm; most are opaque to translucent and white to pale green in color, but about 10% are emerald. {T}he emerald compositions show average {C}r concentrations of 0.25 wt.% {C}r2{O}3 (maximum 0.42 wt.% {C}r2{O}3 or 0.03 {C}r apfu) and maximum {V} concentrations of 0.05 wt.% {V}2{O}3. {P}rimary fluid inclusions in the emerald crystals show variable compositions and high temperatures of homogenization (to 490 degrees {C}). {O}xygen isotope compositions of the emerald crystals, which average 9.6(7)%, suggest a high degree of homogenization and fluid buffering during fluid-rock interaction. {W}hole-rock compositions show high concentrations of {B}e (89 ppm) in the the {T}aylor 2 pegmatite and elevated {C}r in the chlorite schist (2610 ppm) and the altered ultramafic sill (3050 ppm). {G}eochemical similarities support the hypothesis that the chlorite schist is the faulted analogue of the altered ultramafic sill. {T}he absence of beryl in the latter unit may be due to lower amounts of fluid or {F} concentrations (similar to 150 ppm versus similar to 1300 ppm for the chlorite schist). {T}he emerald in the {T}aylor 2 showing and the associated phlogopite most likely formed through metasomatism of the chlorite schist, which was driven by granitic magmatism.}, keywords = {emerald ; geology ; mineralogy ; geochemistry ; fluid inclusions ; stable isotopes ; {M}avis {L}ake pegmatite ; {D}ryden ; {O}ntario ; {C}anada}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}anadian {M}ineralogist}, volume = {47}, numero = {{P}art 2}, pages = {315--336}, ISSN = {0008-4476}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.3749/canmin.47.2.315}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081638}, }