@article{fdi:010081636, title = {{E}vidence of evaporites in the genesis of the vanadian grossular 'tsavorite' deposit in {N}amalulu, {T}anzania}, author = {{F}eneyrol, {J}. and {O}hnenstetter, {D}. and {G}iuliani, {G}aston and {F}allick, {A}. {E}. and {R}ollion-{B}ard, {C}. and {R}obert, {J}. {L}. and {M}alisa, {E}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {N}amalulu tsavorite (vanadian grossular up to 0.80 wt.% {V}2{O}3) deposit in northeastern {T}anzania occurs in metasomatized graphitic gneiss overlain by a dolomitic marble unit. {T}hese rocks belong to the {N}eoproterozoic metamorphic {M}ozambique {B}elt. {T}he graphitic gneiss is composed of quartz, {V}-bearing kyanite (up to 0.4 wt.% {V}2{O}3), {V}-bearing muscovite (up to 1.0 wt.% {V}2{O}3), {V}-bearing rutile (up to 1.9 wt.% {V}2{O}3), and graphite. {T}his rock is affected by calcic metasomatism precipitating calcite and mobilizing the elements for tsavorite crystallization in quartz-calcite veins. {T}he dolomitic marble unit hosts an anhydrite-gypsum-dolomite lens (lens {I}) and a calcite-scapolite-diopside-sulfides-graphite lens (lens {II}). {T}his last unit is characterized by the presence of {F}-bearing minerals (tremolite, phlogopite, tainiolite, titanite), with up to 9.4 wt.% {F} for tainiolite, and {B}a-bearing minerals (feldspar, phlogopite), with up to 7.5 wt.% {B}a{O} for feldspar. {L}ithium (up to 2.0 wt.% {L}i2{O}) and boron (up to 110 ppm) are also present in tainiolite, as well as in {F}-bearing tremolite. {T}his is the first description of metamorphic tainiolite. {T}he protoliths of the {N}amalulu rocks correspond to organic-rich black shales, pure and magnesian carbonates, and evaporites. {T}hey were presumably deposited in a marine coastal sabkha located at the eastern margin of the {C}ongo-{K}alahari cratons bounded by the {M}ozambique {O}cean during early {N}eoproterozoic. {T}savorite formed in the {C}a-metasomatized gneiss during amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism at 5.6-6.7 kbar and 630 +/- 30 degrees {C}.}, keywords = {{M}ozambique {B}elt ; {T}anzania ; {N}amalulu ; tsavorite ; vanadian mineralization ; graphitic gneiss ; carbonates ; evaporites ; tainiolite}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}anadian {M}ineralogist}, volume = {50}, numero = {3}, pages = {745--769}, ISSN = {0008-4476}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.3749/canmin.50.3.745}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081636}, }