@article{fdi:010081551, title = {{P}aleozoic structural controls on shortening transfer in the {S}ubandean foreland thrust system, {E}ne and southern {U}cayali basins, {P}eru - art. no. {TC}3009}, author = {{E}spurt, {N}icolas and {B}russet, {S}t{\'e}phane and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {H}ermoza, {W}ilber and {B}olanos, {R}. and {U}yen, {D}. and {D}eramond, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {N}eogene evolution of the {E}ne and southern {U}cayali basins of the {S}ubandes has been controlled by two stacked thrust wedges that differ in terms of tectonic styles. {T}he lower thrust wedge is formed by deep-seated decollements within the basement related to thick-skinned foreland structures inherited from an {E}arly {C}arboniferous thrust system. {S}eismic reflection data show that this {P}aleozoic compressional system has been eroded and unconformably covered by {L}ate {C}arboniferous clastic sediments. {I}t generated an irregular {P}aleozoic sedimentary architecture controlling the {N}eogene thrust propagation. {T}he upper thin-skinned thrust wedge developed within this {P}aleozoic sedimentary series and constitutes the {S}ubandean zone. {C}ross-section balancing shows an along-strike homogenous horizontal shortening of similar to 56 km (similar to 30%) across the {E}ne-southern {U}cayali thrust system. {T}his amount of shortening was vertically partitioned onto the two stacked thrust wedges. {T}he {N}-{S} thickness variations of the {P}aleozoic sedimentary prism controlled the eastward propagation of the upper thrust wedge. {T}he southern thickening of the {P}aleozoic series generated major decollements and the shortening excess is of 7 km (16%) in comparison to the north. {C}onsequently, the northern lack of shortening onto the upper thrust wedge was transferred to the {E}arly {C}arboniferous compressional structures of the lower thrust wedge. {W}e suggest that this vertical partitioning of the shortening was accommodated by a regional oblique ramp: the {T}ambo transfer zone. {T}his geometrical analysis of the {E}ne-southern {U}cayali thrust system provides new perspectives for future hydrocarbon exploration in this region.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonics}, volume = {27}, numero = {3}, pages = {{C}3009}, ISSN = {0278-7407}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1029/2007{TC}002238}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081551}, }