@article{fdi:010081376, title = {{F}ilamentous fungi isolated from {T}unisian olive mill wastes : use of solid-state fermentation for enzyme production}, author = {{Z}aier, {H}. and {M}aktouf, {S}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos and {R}houma, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}live mill wastewaters and olive cake are effluents generated during olive oil production process. {T}hey represent a major disposal and potentially severe pollution problem for the industry, also promising source of substances of high value. {T}he aim of this study is the valorization of olive mill wastes ({OMWW}, olive cake, olive twigs and leaves) to produce enzymes with high industrial and biotechnological potential, by the solidstate fermentation technique ({SSF}), from isolated fungi present in olive mill wastewater and olive cake. {A} total of 47 strains were isolated and purified from these two residues. {T}he metabolic potential of isolated strains was study by testing the hydrolytic enzymes activities of lipase, protease, amylase, cellulase, invertase, phytase and tannase on agar plate media containing different substrate. {T}he monitoring of {SSF} has shown that the metabolic activity of these strains is extremely rapid using this technique. {O}ur fungi collection contains a diversity of strains capable to producing a variety of enzymes of biotechnological interest.}, keywords = {biotechnological applications ; enzymes ; fungi ; olive oil wastes ; solid-state fermentation ({SSF}) ; valorization ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}otulae {B}otanicae {H}orti {A}grobotanici {C}luj-{N}apoca}, volume = {49}, numero = {1}, pages = {12125 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {0255-965{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.15835/nbha49112125}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081376}, }