@article{fdi:010081370, title = {{I}mplication of the {T}ype {IV} secretion system in the pathogenicity of {V}ibrio tapetis, the etiological agent of {B}rown {R}ing {D}isease affecting the {M}anila clam {R}uditapes philippinarum}, author = {{R}ahmani, {A}. and {D}elavat, {F}. and {L}ambert, {C}. and {L}e {G}oic, {N}. and {D}abas, {E}ric and {P}aillard, {C}. and {P}ichereau, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}ibrio tapetis is a {G}ram-negative bacterium that causes infections of mollusk bivalves and fish. {T}he {B}rown {R}ing {D}isease ({BRD}) is an infection caused by {V}. tapetis that primarily affects the {M}anila clam {R}uditapes philippinarum. {R}ecent studies have shown that a type {IV} secretion system ({T}4{SS}) gene cluster is exclusively found in strains of {V}. tapetis pathogenic to clams. {H}owever, whether the {T}4{SS} is implicated or not during the infection process remains unknown. {T}he aim of this study was to create and characterize a {V}. tapetis {T}4{SS} null mutant, obtained by a near-complete deletion of the vir{B}4 gene, in order to determine the role of {T}4{SS} in the development of {BRD}. {T}his study demonstrated that the {T}4{SS} is neither responsible for the loss of hemocyte adhesion capacities, nor for the decrease of the lysosomal activity during {BRD}. {N}evertheless, we observed a 50% decrease of the {BRD} prevalence and a decrease of mortality dynamics with the {D}elta vir{B}4 mutant. {T}his work demonstrates that the {T}4{SS} of {V}. tapetis plays an important role in the development of {BRD} in the {M}anila clam.}, keywords = {{B}rown {R}ing {D}isease ; {V}ibrio tapetis ; {R}uditapes philippinarum ; hemocytes ; type four secretion system ; rounding phenotype ; colonization ; mutagenesis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {C}ellular and {I}nfection {M}icrobiology}, volume = {11}, numero = {}, pages = {634427 [13 ]}, ISSN = {2235-2988}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3389/fcimb.2021.634427}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081370}, }