@article{fdi:010081256, title = {{M}ayaro virus infects human brain cells and induces a potent antiviral response in human astrocytes}, author = {{B}engue, {M}. and {F}erraris, {P}auline and {B}arthelemy, {J}. and {D}iagne, {C}. {T}. and {H}amel, {R}odolphe and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian and {N}ougairede, {A}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}. and {S}imonin, {Y}. and {P}ompon, {J}ulien and {S}alinas, {S}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ayaro virus ({MAYV}) and chikungunya virus ({CHIKV}) are known for their arthrotropism, but accumulating evidence shows that {CHIKV} infections are occasionally associated with serious neurological complications. {H}owever, little is known about the capacity of {MAYV} to invade the central nervous system ({CNS}). {W}e show that human neural progenitors (h{NPC}s), pericytes and astrocytes are susceptible to {MAYV} infection, resulting in the production of infectious viral particles. {I}n primary astrocytes, {MAYV}, and to a lesser extent {CHIKV}, elicited a strong antiviral response, as demonstrated by an increased expression of several interferon-stimulated genes, including {ISG}15, {MX}1 and {OAS}2. {I}nfection with either virus led to an enhanced expression of inflammatory chemokines, such as {CCL}5, {CXCL}10 and {CXCL}11, whereas {MAYV} induced higher levels of {IL}-6, {IL}-12 and {IL}-15 in these cells. {M}oreover, {MAYV} was more susceptible than {CHIKV} to the antiviral effects of both type {I} and type {II} interferons. {T}aken together, this study shows that although {MAYV} and {CHIKV} are phylogenetically related, they induce different types of antiviral responses in astrocytes. {T}his work is the first to evaluate the potential neurotropism of {MAYV} and shows that brain cells and particularly astrocytes and h{NPC}s are permissive to {MAYV}, which, consequently, could lead to {MAYV}-induced neuropathology.}, keywords = {mayaro ; chikungunya ; alphavirus ; arbovirus ; neural progenitors ; pericytes ; astrocytes ; neurotropism}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}iruses}, volume = {13}, numero = {3}, pages = {465 [17 p.]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/v13030465}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081256}, }