@article{fdi:010081056, title = {{S}ocial structure, habitat use and injuries of {I}ndo-{P}acific bottlenose dolphins ({T}ursiops aduncus) reveal isolated, coastal, and threatened communities in the {S}outh {P}acific}, author = {{B}onneville, {C}. {D}. and {D}erville, {S}. and {L}uksenburg, {J}. {A}. and {O}remus, {M}. and {G}arrigue, {C}laire}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding population structure and habitat use of poorly known cetacean species is a first step toward scientifically informed management decisions. {I}n the southern range of {N}ew {C}aledonia ({S}outh {P}acific), a long-term dataset of {I}ndo-{P}acific bottlenose dolphins ({T}ursiops aduncus) encounters primarily during winter seasons 1997 to 2019 (473 group observations) was used to assess social structure, habitat use and potential threats. {A} total of 338 individuals were photographically identified, forming three distinct communities in the south-west lagoon, the south lagoon and the {I}sle of {P}ines. {M}ark-recapture histories revealed that the three communities were weakly connected and might be considered as independent management units. {S}uitable habitats were estimated with presence-only distribution models relative to topographic and seabed substrate predictors. {H}abitat suitability increased with proximity to coasts or reefs, at shallow depth, and over muddy bottom. {T}hese habitats had various levels of protection and were used by humans, mostly in the south-west lagoon. {E}xternal injuries were interpreted to determine natural interactions and potential anthropogenic threats. {T}he prevalence in injuries did not vary among the three areas. {A} substantial proportion of injuries related to propeller hits was reported, representing a total of 16.7% (34 of 204) of all injuries observed on dolphins. {T}he three communities of {I}ndo-{P}acific bottlenose dolphins revealed in the southern part of {N}ew {C}aledonia are particularly vulnerable due to their insularity, their coastal habitat use and the low levels of connectivity found among them. {I}n a context of increasing maritime traffic, fishing and recreational activities, this study provides a useful baseline to the urgent assessment of the conservation status of dolphins in {N}ew {C}aledonia.}, keywords = {odontocetes ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; social communities ; habitat ; anthropogenic impacts ; scars ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OUEN} {ILE} ; {PRONY} {BAIE} ; {MERLET} {RESERVE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {606975 [14 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3389/fmars.2021.606975}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081056}, }