@article{fdi:010081055, title = {{C}hemometric discrimination of the geographical origin of three greek cultivars of olive oils by stable isotope ratio analysis}, author = {{T}arapoulouzi, {M}. and {S}kiada, {V}. and {A}griopoulou, {S}. and {P}somiadis, {D}. and {R}ebufa, {C}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos and {T}heocharis, {C}. {R}. and {K}atsaris, {P}. and {V}arzakas, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lpha stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer was used for stable isotope ratio (i.e., delta {C}-13, delta {O}-18, and delta {H}-2) measurements, achieving geographical discrimination using orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis. {A} total of 100 {G}reek monovarietal olive oil samples from three different olive cultivars (cv. {K}oroneiki, cv. {L}ianolia {K}erkyras, and cv. {M}aurolia), derived from {C}entral {G}reece and {P}eloponnese, were collected during the 2019-2020 harvest year aiming to investigate the effect of botanical and geographical origin on their discrimination through isotopic data. {T}he selection of these samples was made from traditionally olive-growing areas in which no significant research has been done so far. {S}amples were discriminated mainly by olive cultivar and, partially, by geographical origin, which is congruent with other authors. {B}ased on this model, correct recognition of 93.75% in the training samples and correct prediction of 100% in the test set were achieved. {T}he overall correct classification of the model was 91%. {T}he predictability based on the externally validated method of discrimination was good ({Q}(2) (cum) = 0.681) and illustrated that delta {O}-18 and delta {H}-2 were the most important isotope markers for the discrimination of olive oil samples. {T}he authenticity of olive oil based on the examined olive varieties can be determined using this technique.}, keywords = {stable isotope ratios ; {G}reek olive oils ; chemometric analysis ; {OPLS}-{DA} ; discrimination ; fraud ; authenticity ; adulteration ; geographical origin ; quality ; {GRECE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}oods}, volume = {10}, numero = {2}, pages = {336 [13 p.]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/foods10020336}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081055}, }