@article{fdi:010080958, title = {{U}se of mercury isotopes to quantify sources of human inorganic mercury exposure and metabolic processes in the human body}, author = {{D}u, {B}. {Y}. and {Y}in, {R}. {S}. and {F}u, {X}. {W}. and {L}i, {P}. and {F}eng, {X}. {B}. and {M}aurice, {L}aurence}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he pathways of human mercury ({H}g) exposure are complex and accurate understanding of relative contributions from different pathways are crucial for risk assessment and risk control. {I}n this study, we determined total {H}g concentration and {H}g isotopic composition of human urine, dietary components, and inhaled air in the {W}anshan {H}g mining area ({MA}), {G}uiyang urban area ({UA}), and {C}hangshun background area ({BA}) to understand {H}g exposure sources and metabolic processes in human body. {A}t the three studied sites, total gaseous mercury ({TGM}) showed negative delta {H}g-202 (-3.11 parts per thousand to + 1.12 parts per thousand) and near-zero {D}elta {H}g-199 (-0.16 parts per thousand to + 0.13 parts per thousand), which were isotopically distinguishable from {H}g isotope values of urine (delta {H}g-202: -4.02 parts per thousand to -0.84 parts per thousand; {D}elta {H}g-199: -0.14 parts per thousand to 0.64 parts per thousand). {W}e observed an offset of -1.01 parts per thousand to -1.6 parts per thousand in delta {H}g-202 between {TGM} and urine samples, and an offset of -1.01 parts per thousand to 0.80 parts per thousand in delta {H}g-202 between rice and urine samples, suggesting that lighter isotopes are more easily accumulated in the kidneys and excreted by urine. {W}e proposed that the high positive {D}elta {H}g-199 in urine samples of {UA} was derived from fish consumption. {T}he results of a binary mixing model based on {D}elta {H}g-199 were compared with those from a classic dietary model. {T}he results from the {MIF} binary model showed that fish consumption accounted for 22% of urine {H}g in the families at {UA}, whereas fish consumption contributed limited {H}g to {MA} and {BA}. {T}his study highlighted that {H}g isotopes can be a useful tracer in understanding the sources and fates of {H}g in human bodies.}, keywords = {{M}ercury exposure ; {U}rine ; {M}ercury isotope ; {S}ource ; {M}etabolic process ; {CHINE} ; {GUIZHOU} {PROVINCE} ; {GUIYANG} ; {WANSHAN} ; {CHANGSHUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironment {I}nternational}, volume = {147}, numero = {}, pages = {106336 [6 p.]}, ISSN = {0160-4120}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envint.2020.106336}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080958}, }