@article{fdi:010080909, title = {{A}nalysis of leaf area index in the {ECMWF} land surface model and impact on latent heat and carbon fluxes : application to {W}est {A}frica}, author = {{J}arlan, {L}ionel and {B}alsamo, {G}. and {L}afont, {S}. and {B}eljaars, {A}. and {C}alvet, {J}. {C}. and {M}ougin, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new version of the land surface model of the {E}uropean {C}entre for {M}edium-{R}ange {W}eather {F}orecasts ({C}arbon-{TESSEL}, or {CTESSEL}) includes a vegetation growth model. {T}his study describes a leaf area index ({LAI}) data assimilation system ({LDAS}) based on {CTESSEL} and satellite {LAI} for operational {N}et {E}cosystem {E}xchange ({NEE}) predictions. {T}he {LDAS} is evaluated over {W}est {A}frica. {A} preliminary experiment shows a significant impact of the {LAI} on the {CTESSEL} {NEE}. {T}he {LAI} is compared to two satellite products: the predicted annual cycle is delayed over the {S}ahel and savannah, and the {LAI} values differ from the satellite products. {P}reliminary to their use in the {LDAS}, the {LAI} products are rescaled to the {CTESSEL} predictions. {T}he {LDAS} simulations are confronted to measurements of biomass and {LAI} for a site in {M}ali. {T}he {LAI} analysis is shown to improve the predicted biomass and the annual cycles of the water (latent heat flux, or {LE}) and carbon ({NEE}) fluxes. {A}fterward, the {LDAS} is run over {W}est {A}frica with the {M}oderate-{R}esolution {I}maging {S}pectroradiometer products (2001-2005). {T}he analysis of {LAI} shows a limited impact on {LE}, but it impacts strongly on {NEE}. {F}inally, the {CTESSEL} {NEE} are compared to two other models' outputs (simple biosphere ({SIB}) and {C}arnegie-{A}mes-{S}tanford ({CASA})). {T}he order of magnitude of the three data sets agrees well, and the shift in annual cycle of {CTESSEL} is reduced by the {LDAS}. {I}t is concluded that a {LAI} data assimilation system is essential for {NEE} prediction at seasonal and interannual timescales, while a {LAI} satellite-based climatology may be sufficient for accurate {LE} predictions.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch - {A}tmospheres}, volume = {113}, numero = {}, pages = {{D}24117}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1029/2007jd009370}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080909}, }