@techreport{fdi:010080718, title = {{S}ub-lethal insecticide exposure affects host biting efficiency of {K}dr-resistant {A}nopheles gambiae [preprint, version 5 {\'e}valu{\'e}e et recommand{\'e}e par {PCI} {Z}oology]}, author = {{D}iop, {M}.{M}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {R}ossignol, {M}arie and {P}orciani, {A}ng{\'e}lique and {C}hateau, {M}. and {M}oiroux, {N}icolas and {P}ennetier, {C}{\'e}dric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he massive use of insecticide-treated nets ({ITN}s) has drastically changed the environment for malaria vector mosquitoes, challenging their host-seeking behaviour and biting success. {H}ere, we investigated the effect of a brief exposure to an {ITN} on the biting behaviour of {A}nopheles mambiae mosquitoes and the interaction between such behaviour and the kdr mutation that confers resistance to pyrethroids. {T}o this aim, we developed a video assay to study the biting behaviour of mosquitoes with similar genetic background, but different kdr locus genotypes ({SS} i.e. homozygous susceptible, {RS} i.e. heterozygous and {RR} i.e. homozygous resistant), after a brief exposure to either control untreated nets or one of two types of pyrethroid-treated nets (deltamethrin or permethrin). {I}n presence of untreated nets, the kdr mutation did not influence mosquito blood feeding success but caused differences in feeding and prediuresis durations and blood meal size. {E}xposure to deltamethrin {ITN} decreased the blood feeding success rate of {RR} and {RS} mosquitoes, whereas in presence of permethrin {ITN}, the kdr mutation increased the blood-feeding success of mosquitoes. {E}xposure to the two types of pyrethroid-treated nets reduced feeding duration, prediuresis duration and blood meal size of all three genotypes. {O}ur study demonstrates a complex interaction between insecticide exposure and the kdr mutation on the biting behavior of mosquitoes, which may substantially impact malaria vector fitness and disease transmission.}, keywords = {{KENYA} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {FRANCE}}, address = {}, series = {{B}io{R}xiv}, pages = {[20 en ligne]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1101/653980}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080718}, }