@article{fdi:010080710, title = {{H}oneybee lifespan : the critical role of pre-foraging stage}, author = {{P}rado, {A}. and {R}equier, {F}abrice and {C}rauser, {D}. and {L}e {C}onte, {Y}. and {B}retagnolle, {V}. and {A}laux, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ssessing the various anthropogenic pressures imposed on honeybees requires characterizing the patterns and drivers ofnatural mortality. {U}sing automated lifelong individual monitoring devices, we monitored worker bees in different geographical, seasonal and colony contexts creating a broad range of hive conditions. {W}e measured their life-history traits and notably assessed whether lifespan is influenced by pre-foraging flight experience. {O}ur results show that the age at the first flight and onset of foraging are critical factors that determine, to a large extent, lifespan. {M}ost importantly, our results indicate that a large proportion (40%) of the bees dieduring pre-foraging stage, and for those surviving, the elapsed time and flight experience between the first flight and the onset of foraging is of paramount importance to maximize the number of days spent foraging. {O}nce in the foraging stage, individuals experience a constant mortality risk of 9% and 36% per hour of foraging and per foraging day, respectively. {I}n conclusion, the pre-foraging stage during which bees performorientation flights is a critical driver of bee lifespan. {W}e believe these data on the natural mortality risks in honeybee workerswill help assess the impact of anthropogenic pressures on bees.}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}oyal {S}ociety {O}pen {S}cience}, volume = {7}, numero = {11}, pages = {e200998 [13 ]}, ISSN = {2054-5703}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1098/rsos.200998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080710}, }