@article{fdi:010080673, title = {{C}ontrasted microcolinearity and gene evolution within a homoeologous region of wheat and barley species}, author = {{C}hantret, {N}. and {S}alse, {J}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {B}ellec, {A}. and {L}aubin, {B}. and {D}ubois, {I}. and {D}ossat, {C}. and {S}ourdille, {P}. and {J}oudrier, {P}. and {G}autier, {M}.{F}. and {C}attolico, {L}. and {B}eckert, {M}. and {A}ubourg, {S}. and {W}eissenbach, {J}. and {C}aboche, {M}. and {L}eroy, {P}. and {B}ernard, {M}. and {C}halhoub, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e study here the evolution of genes located in the same physical locus using the recently sequenced {H}a locus in seven wheat genomes in diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species and compared them with barley and rice orthologous regions. {W}e investigated both the conservation of microcolinearity and the molecular evolution of genes, including coding and noncoding sequences. {M}icrocolinearity is restricted to two groups of genes ({U}nknown gene-2, {VAMP}, {BGGP}, {G}sp-1, and {U}nknown gene-8 surrounded by several copies of {ATP}ase), almost conserved in rice and barley, but in a different relative position. {H}ighly conserved genes between wheat and rice run along with genes harboring different copy numbers and highly variable sequences between close wheat genomes. {T}he coding sequence evolution appeared to be submitted to heterogeneous selective pressure and intronic sequences analysis revealed that the molecular clock hypothesis is violated in most cases.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}olecular {E}volution}, volume = {66}, numero = {2}, pages = {138--150}, ISSN = {0022-2844}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1007/s00239-008-9066-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080673}, }