@article{fdi:010080653, title = {{M}apping mean lake surface from satellite altimetry and {GPS} kinematic surveys}, author = {{B}erge-{N}guyen, {M}. and {C}retaux, {J}. {F}. and {C}almant, {S}t{\'e}phane and {F}leury, {S}. and {S}atylkanov, {R}. and {C}hontoev, {D}. and {B}onnefond, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ake water height is a key variable in water cycle and climate change studies, which is achievable using satellite altimetry constellation. {A} method based on data processing of altimetry from several satellites has been developed to interpolate mean lake surface ({MLS}) over a set of 22 big lakes distributed on the {E}arth. {I}t has been applied on nadir radar altimeters in {L}ow {R}esolution {M}ode ({LRM}: {J}ason-3, {S}aral/{A}lti{K}a, {C}ryo{S}at-2) in {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar ({SAR}) mode ({S}entinel-3{A}), and in {SAR} interferometric ({SAR}in) mode ({C}ryo{S}at2), and on laser altimetry ({ICES}at). {V}alidation of the method has been performed using a set of kinematic {GPS} height profiles from 18 field campaigns over the lake {I}ssykkul, by comparison of altimetry's height at crossover points for the other lakes and using the laser altimetry on {ICES}at-2 mission. {T}he precision reached ranges from 3 to 7 cm {RMS} ({R}oot {M}ean {S}quare) depending on the lakes. {C}urrently, lake water level inferred from satellite altimetry is provided with respect to an ellipsoid. {E}llipsoidal heights are converted into orthometric heights using geoid models interpolated along the satellite tracks. {T}hese global geoid models were inferred from geodetic satellite missions coupled with absolute and regional anomaly gravity data sets spread over the {E}arth. {H}owever, the spatial resolution of the current geoid models does not allow capturing short wavelength undulations that may reach decimeters in mountaineering regions or for rift lakes ({B}aikal, {I}ssykkul, {M}alawi, {T}anganika). {W}e interpolate in this work the geoid height anomalies with three recent geoid models, the {EGM}2008, {XGM}2016 and {EIGEN}-6{C}4d, and compare them with the {M}ean {S}urface of 22 lakes calculated using satellite altimetry. {A}ssuming that {MLS} mimics the local undulations of the geoid, our study shows that over a large set of lakes (in {E}ast {A}frica, {A}ndean mountain and {C}entral {A}sia), short wavelength undulations of the geoid in poorly sampled areas can be derived using satellite altimetry. {T}he models used in this study present very similar geographical patterns when compared to {MLS}. {T}he precision of the models largely depends on the location of the lakes and is about 18 cm, in average over the {E}arth. {MLS} can serve as a validation dataset for any future geoid model. {I}t will also be useful for validation of the future mission {SWOT} ({S}urface {W}ater and {O}cean {T}opography) which will measure and map water heights over the lakes with a high horizontal resolution of 250 by 250 m.}, keywords = {{S}atellite altimetry ; {GPS} survey ; {M}ean lake surface ; {G}eoid ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} l'{EST} ; {ASIE} {CENTRALE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {S}pace {R}esearch}, volume = {67}, numero = {3}, pages = {985--1001}, ISSN = {0273-1177}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.asr.2020.11.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080653}, }